Recomend me a regulated stp or ecn broker

please i want regulated broker with fsa or nfa
it must be stp or ecn broker with minimum deposit do not exceed 300$
any one willl recomend me a broker he must have a live account and made withdraw from it

You are asking for a $1,000 car that can fly and go submarine fueled by water! There is no true STP or ECN account available for $300. Any broker offering that for such a low starting equity is not telling you the whole truth.

Just go to respectable dealer such as Oanda, FXCM or Alpari and thrade with them. You cannot demand professional trading conditions with a start capital of only $300. We all would like to have that and never got it.

I thought FXCM was STP? Even there micro accounts are according to there website.

Okay, by defintion you are right Cams. Normally when they say STP and ECN in one sentence they are looking for an true ECN account. Now STP is a generic term that means Straight Throuhg Processing, or no MANUAL intervention. This doesn’t mean that the broker doesn’t execute any tricks on you, it just says that they don’t do it manually…:slight_smile: Well, that is based on the definition. I am not saying that ALL brokers do that, I am just trying to clarify.

So you can say that you don’t have a dealing desk and do STP without offering the STP we are looking for, namely direct entry to the market with no counter trading by the broker. They can say it because they may not have a staffed dealing desk and they don’t do anything manually, but they may be doing still the same as when they had a dealing desk…:slight_smile: Does this make sense to you?

It is like a book and an ebook. The same content, but only the media is different.

Anyway, FXCM is a well known broker and can perhaps offer a decent STP-processing, but it isn’t like STP processing with a true ECN account. That is why I gave my remark.

If you are still looking for ecn brokers, here is the link with the list of brokers for your reference.

Forex Brokers Guide -

Nightjob as tourguide on Babypips PipNRoll? :wink:

LOL… you can say that :). I’ll ask for a fee next time :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe he means $300,000 OR $300 is code for 300 MILLION!.

Heh its funny because Jason Rogers was saying something about their brokerage being true ecn or stp for a long time and my argument was posed why did he say that when they recently just became a non-DD. Kind of funny you mention failure of execution via manual intervention because that was the procedure I had in question to which I got a generic corporate response of course.

Hi Everyone,

There seems to be a bit of confusion here regarding FXCM’s execution, so I wanted to clarify.

In 2006, FXCM introduced No Dealing Desk forex execution (NDD). Some people refer to this as Straight Through Processing (STP) or ECN. The main point is that with FXCM’s NDD execution, we are not taking the market risk on the other side of our clients’ trades. We immediately offset that risk with our 10+ liquidity providers.

On the NDD model, we don’t make money from client losses, or lose money from client profits. We make our money off the trading volume by adding a pip markup to the prices we receive from the competing banks. In 2010, we were able to extend our NDD execution model even to micro accounts, because we got liquidity providers to agree to offsetting these smaller orders. That meant all FXCM accounts were operating on NDD forex execution.

In September of this year, we introduced a new dealing desk (DD) execution option is response to requests from clients for lower spreads. On the DD model, because we create the prices on which you trade, FXCM’s dealing desk is able to offer lower spreads than those provided by the No Dealing Desk (NDD) model. While FXCM believes that NDD execution provides the best overall trading experience, we also offer dealing desk execution as an option for traders whose primary concern is low spreads.

Dealing desk execution is used by most brokers in the forex industry. However, FXCM’s dealing desk is different because we use the FXCM NDD price feed as a base to derive prices and execute orders. This means that our dealing desk execution shares important features with our NDD execution such as no requotes and no restrictions on stops and limits.

For more info on the two execution options FXCM offers, you can check out this post I made in our Broker Aid Station awhile back.
