Recommendations please!

I am really upset with my broker.News trading is my style but a lot of slippage hurts me.Can anyone recommend me a broker with good news trading service?Everyone with a personal experience is welcome to reply.

Choose STP and ECN brokers that make profit by charging comission

I want to suggest you for AVAFX or OANDA.

OANDA raises the spread during important news, sometimes even up to 20 pips :60:

but Avafx and Oanda doon’t have good reviews about them.Specially Avafx is not reputed and many people have got issues with them.

I don’t have much problem with the widening spreads but 20 pips spread amazes me.

Sometimes near 20 pips on EUR/USD when important USD news are released

That’s crazy spread man.I wonder if anyone affords it.

There is something even worse than that: platform disconnection. :smiley:

Yup it is but thank God it never happened to me during the times of news.I am lucky. :wink:

I have tried FXOpen on demo & they seem to be ok as in regard to spreads & commission & they say they are ECN as well. Is there any one who has experience with them on live account??? Will appreciate any feed back, thanks.

Is FXOpen a regulated broker?

I don’t know where you are based or whether they have an overseas reach but I have been with ETX Capital in the UK for 2½ years and am very happy with them. Good across the board, so far.

i’ve been with a particular duck for a while and totally happy, but i can’t blindly recommend them because not all countries would be accepted, and if you only intent to go live with $50 or so it’s a no-go as well. depending on your location & starting balance, the list of recommended places can vary.

so, having said that - where & how much?

I am from Pakistan and would like to deposit 300$ only to check the broker’s news service.
If the broker will be good i would transfer all my balance from my old broker to the new one.Actually my broker says that during the times of liquidity we can’t trigger your order at your desired price(That’s not a nice excuse).

Do they widen their spread during the times of news?How much slippage do they have during the liquid times?

Take a look at PaxForex. I have been with them and I think they are great.

i am in Australia , i using Alphabroking , with mt4

Same question?How much do they widen their spread during the times of news and what about their slippage?

From my experience they are in the top in that category. The spreads do not widen significantly during news events and slippage has not been an issue.