Recommended Forex Books, DVDs, Courses?


Im new to Forex, and to this community and would like to start off my stay here with a couple questions.

I have a background in internet marketing. For the last few years I’ve seen forex courses, kindle books ect…grow in popularity, so i thought i would take a look. I like what ive seen so far.

I would like to know if there are any books, DVDs, or courses that are good for noobs.

I’m not interested in Clickbank courses, or $.99 kindle ebooks. As an affiliate marketer, i can confirm that 90% of clickbank courses, and kindle ebooks are spam, written purely for a quick buck.

I’ve been doin the pips school and really enjoy it, theres tons of great info here, but i also think it would be beneficial to expand my knowledge by investing in some more great information.

So are there any books, or courses that you highly recommend? (please no affiliates) :wink:

Thank you!

hey welcome

i tried getting into internet marketing and wrote a couple of articles for some users on BHW before i came here lol.

im pretty new to this place as well, but for the basics, a lot of people recommended trading for a living to me by alexander elder. also the pip school and just miscellaneous threads can give you a lot of info.

Definitely check out stuff by ICT (Inner Circle Trader) in the forum - it is top notch and free!

For paid stuff:

  • I’d recommend Larry Pesavento, if you are interested in getting into harmonics
  • Chris Lori - his Pro Traders Club course is not that expensive and is really thorough
  • Larry Williams for COT stuff
  • Raghee Horner’s books (I find that she isn’t always great at describing in her books, so I’d recommend going to YouTube. She has something called Super Saturday where she basically takes four hours to outline her technique and it’s great! Plus, it’s free!)
  • Mark Douglas is a must (both Trading in the Zone and The Disciplined Trader)
  • Technical Analysis by Edwards and Magee is great way for learning about indicators (and then choosing something that suits your trading style)
  • Steve Nison’s Candlestick books (although the School of Forexology does a great job covering this)
  • Carolyn Boroden’s “How to Master the Time and Price Advantage”
  • Trading for a Living by Alexander Elder.

Except for Chris Lori, you can find most of this stuff at a library local to you (except maybe Williams).

I 2nd the Mark Douglas recommendation, trading psychology is huge.

Yes, just like anything you have to stick with in to be successful. Took me a good year to get my head around it. Just like Forex, 90-95% of people fail/give up IMing, so i feel like i have an edge with forex when it comes to discipline and the knowledge/realization that there are no get rich quick schemes that actually work.

Thanks so much for the great info! It is nice to see such a spot on response to my first forum inquiry.

No worries!

Glad to be of help!