Recycled Newbie

Hello, 1 ‘n’ all!

According to the system, last time I was on this board or even this system, was back in '11. Life is strange and will throw some real curve balls, and it looks like I’m back again. I honestly don’t remember a thing that I’ve learned on this place ( I previewed the system before coming into the forums). there are things I remember, some not. I’m going to take this from the beginning.

Last time I was on the system, I lived in Florida, now for health reasons I’m in NY staying with family.

Due to same health reasons, I’m not currently employed, but I remembered having an interest in this, and well, I’m back again.

I’m surprised, as I seem to remember back then, there WAS a mobile app (android), and for the most part that was the only real way to get babypips. Things seem to have changed.

not to bore you with the details, but I’m


used to work in the computer / pc support field ( how I learned about babypips ) have passing interests in Space and Aviation Sciences, have no degrees except for an old A+ certification to repair computers, that I’m sure has expired.

Anything else, you’re welcome to ask…

Ron V / 386

Hi Ron. Certainly, things have moved on significantly, and in the next few years, many retail traders will be seduced by robot trading to make it easy without any hard work learning how to properly trade proficiently.

I’m sure financial istitutions use there bots on a regular base already. Best of luck this time around.

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this is a common mistake that beginners do most of the time and seduce by robot trading .