Regulated Broker

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

Does anyone know of a licensed and regulated broker that is good for scalping and is not located in the United States and accepts U.S clients?

Thanks so much!

Regulated brokers that allow scalping : Alpari UK, Oanda , FXCM

Those there montioned are some good ones the list is endless you just have to find one that fits you and your style of trading. I personally dont try to scalp I dont see the point off scalping when I can chop the whole head clean off. After all thats what forex is all about bleeding other peoples accounts into your own. So I can make people beed more by chopping the head off than just scalping you. Thats a pretty cold hearted why to put it but thats the way Forex operates its not about being nice its about money and money is a cold heated game.