Reliable Brokers

Successful withdraw is good, but the main reason, I think, lies in perfect connection and work of platform. What withdrawal can be, if you even can’t normally trade.

I live with NatureForex, a honest broker. I feel it suitable for me and the most important thing is that I can trust in it.

LOL guys you would never find a totally reliable broker). While surfing you will find negative feedback against each and every one broker, because most “traders” who fail every time, go to different resources and try to charge the broker with some kind of a fraud… the broker, but not himself, the majority would not have even a thought that they lost because of their mistakes, lack of skills and etc… every time - broker is a scam, put them in a jail)). When I was choosing a broker, I also read a mass of negative reviews, didn’t find a positive broker in all things, actually, my skills have helped me mostly on the whole, not the strongest and super-reliable conditions of a broker. Ohh yes, I’ve chosen OctaFX for myself, I experience with them both profits and losses, but when I lose I blame only myself, but not their unreliability or cheating (believe me, I know what the real fraud and scam is), I understood what to wait when I came to Forex (well yes, not mountains of gold)). Just read, develop your strategies and skills and you would not be surprised in case of profit or lose and your broker on the whole. Phew…too many words, I’ve just gave you a great bit of my mind, never mind:32:

oanda, fxcm & fxdd i think…

Do you have moreeee detailed information about them or only their names?

Hi Chong,

I’m FXCM’s representative here on the forum, so if you ever have questions about us, please feel free to ask me in the Broker Aid Station.


Hi Jason, sorry, I don’t have questions to you, but I have questions to people who give us the names of “reliable” brokers without any credible information!

While forex is a diverse market, there are very many genuine brokers, and there are a bunch of unscrupulous individuals who want to swindle money from the unsuspecting new trades, Brokers I know are genuine include FreshForex, Instaforex, Roboforx, and liteforex. This list is endless, these are just but a few!