Reliable Stp broker

Hello traders, I am looking for a very reliable STP broker with tighter spreads and low commission registered with any of these CFTC, FCA or FSCA. Would you recommend any?

Hi @19942fra.

Here are a couple of STP threads from a while back. Perhaps looking through them would give you an idea about the STP broker that would work best for you.

Hope this helps!

“STP” is basically marketing jargon created by the retail FX industry a while back to distinguish themselves from the dealing desk brokers.

It doesn’t really much since any broker can “STP” your trade to wherever it wants.

What matters is whether the quotes streamed to you are market rates and if you’re able to execute on the prices you want and get filled (with no or positive slippage).

Look for order execution quality and transparency on how your orders are routed and executed.