Remember Thomas edison's 10000 times failure turned to success in trading

In trading, no one is going to make money before facing so many failures.I can guarantee on this. But, those person, who had found how to correct their past mistakes and never repeat them can only succeed in trading. So, one must follow the quotes of thomas edison about his invention of bulb.He said this.

“I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

So, as traders, its very vital to discover our own ways to correct our mistakes by finding suitable ideas and never repeat the past mistakes.This will certainly make us better traders.I followed this golden words of thomas edisson and now successfully managing a social trading account. You too can discover yourself. Its not cake walk business.One of the most toughest business in the world.But new traders fell into the trap of scam trainers claiming that they made quick money in trading. All these fellows are scammers. It took almost 8 years for me to start to make money without blowing my accounts.

So, do trading very carefully.Understand that you are your own enemy and enemy is not outside.So, kill these inner enemies every time you sit in your trading platform.If you fail to kill them, then they will kill your trading account.So, find ways to kill your inner enemies and become a better successful trader. Good luck


Thanks for that.

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In trading you can not expect only profit there will be times where you have failed and suffered Loss. Just grow through bad times learn from your mistake and never repeat them. The only mantra to success is never leave in between just go on practice and experience everything.

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Do you think that figure would have been a little exaggerated on his part?


failure is the success of a pillar. In every case in trading one should learn from Mistake. The more education you acquire, the more trading skills you will develop.

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It is a known fact that we tend to make many mistakes in our trading. The most important fact is that we need to bring down the number of mistakes we are doing in the Forex trading.

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If you want to get success, you have to learn from Mistake. If one loses and starts over-trading without thinking positively about the loss, he will never be a successful trader.

Failures are truly the pillars of success. I failed thousands of times but decided to keep moving because there was nothing else I could do. I am glad that I decided to keep trading and here I am today making consistent profits on a daily basis and doing everything I wanted to do.

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I think we can’t afford to fail even near to 100 times in our forex trading, this depends only upon how financially strong you are. Basically it is based upon the risk appetite of an individual. I think it is okay to fail in a trade as this shows that at least you are trying to learn. Keep things noted from the previous trade and try to improve further.

Yes I remember about Thomas

Good learning!

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I was simply thinking, if Thomas edison had tried trading, he would’ve definetly succeeded in it, he would’ve tried numerous times & practiced n perfected it, never getting disappointed over the failures, but he would’ve certainely forgotten to discover the bulb.

The beginners should know this as it is more important for the beginners to be aware of the losses that they may face while trading. Beginners often lose because of silly mistakes and then stop trading because of the fear of losing money. Instead they should learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them to be successful.

Yes its a bit exaggerated, but its the truth. From failures only we can learn lessons and correct our mistakes.

Being consistent in trading no matter if you fail or win is very important. Consistency helps in building habits and having them define the person who you are. Consistency in sticking to an effective trading strategy helps in mastering the strategy and helps in improving.

To be successful it is very important that a trader has an optimistic approach towards learning. A trader should learn from his mistakes and improve his trading skills. Having in depth knowledge eventually leads to success.


Absolutely right! The key to getting better at anything is consistency. When you trade each day, make sure you try to get better 1% each day. Your hardwork will not show results instantly, but over time, the difference you will see will be remarkable.