Renko trading

Hello. First ever post and thread. Anybody out there using renko charts? Want to talk about it? I use them, think they’re great and interested to hear what other users, ex users, potential users think.

I’m new to trading. This site has been fabulous with a slew of information. Could you explain the renko charts? what makes them so great?

Hello kdaudu. If you put renko charts or something like that into Google you should get a load of stuff to give you some pointers on renko. Basically it is a charting system a bit like point and figure where there is no time element. You decide you want a (for instance) five-tick box/brick and the system forms a brick that size then goes on to form the next one up or down.
There are various forms or at least two – the traditional one and the median renko which is the one I use.
The point as far as I’m concerned, is using this sort of chart gives a much clearer and cleaner view of the price action. For simple people like me it’s much easier to separate the signal and the noise. Trends are very clear as are turning points, support, resistance and congestion.
Using a combination of renko, moving averages and MACD provides a good idea of what I should be doing and when I should stay out.

I use Renko quite a bit and have used it for a number of years.

Here is a chart of Sweet Light Crude using Renko bars and CCI and Ichimoku.

They don’t look like Renko blocks to me, Blaiserboy?

Those are Heikin Ashi candles, aren’t they??