Retire early & leave a legacy for my kids

Hi I’m Tanya I’m new to the group. Hoping to learn all I can to become a awesome trader. To be able to hopefully retire early to enjoy this beautiful world of ours & leave a legacy to my kids. I never thought of doing this but an ex who happens to be my best friend has been very supportive & encouraging to making sure I’m secure & don’t want for anything. I’m externally grateful.

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Welcome aboard this great education site that is all you need to begin your learning journey, and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves.

That’s great Tanya, I like your thinking. Too many investors think long-term planning means 3 years ahead. Plus, when you have learned to trade you can teach your kids how to do it and they are adult age they will immediately benefit from your hard work - knowledge is something you can give away to a loved on, but you still have it.

Welcome to the community, Tanya. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.