Returning to FX...A place to start


I am returning to study fx after I got into it for a while about a year ago and then life and other things distracted me!

I learned a fair bit of the basics but feel very rusty looking at my demo account and browsing this site.

I am re-reading the baby pips school and browsing the forum.

What I would like to ask is if anyone can recommend any good youtube videos? Any essential books to read? and any advice or structuring a proper schedule of study.

Are there any or would anyone be interested in a skype study group?

Also I would like to start on a micro account as soon as possible. I remember reading before that this is not the best idea but i play poker for micro stakes and I believe that even having some amount of money at real risk no matter how small with help me focus and stay more disciplined, rather than using a demo all the time. With that said can anyone recommend, the best company to use for a micro account?

Thanks for any input!

It seems to me you don’t need any advice…you covered all the battle fields, as for good you-tube tutorials, I’ve started with the easy picturesque ones, and then switched to the “boring” ones with a monotone voice and a picture of the chart…:smiley: So there are good videos in both categories, depends on which stadium you’re in, just search youtube…
I wish you best of luck

Hi asiagetcom,

I can recommend the video channel on youtube by a guy called “Pete Fader”, really good insight into how he trades and how to read volume. I’d also read everything on blog and subscribe to the newsletter there. Maybe also “Master the Markets” by Tom Williams (but avoid the commercial sales pitch in there).

Cheers & good luck,


You can check this channel out in youtube - TheTradeitsimple
There is not a lot but as I understand there will be more to follow

You could also try expanding to forex podcasts just to feel what other analysts are looking at. lordgeorge’s thread received a couple of good suggestions and Pipstradamus even taught how to search for useful ones on Google in the Tools section.

Good luck on your way back to FX trading!