Right I'm ready, almost!

Hey Everyone

I hope you’re all well.

My name is Pauley, I’m 46 (yep, I’m ■■■■■■■ old) and live in the UK.

I’m new to forex trading. Well, I’m new in the sense I’ve only just started to take it a little more seriously as I have dabbled over the last few years and blown a few demo accounts with my reckless and clueless trading and following other idiots signals!

I’ve now completed several trading courses and have today finished the School of Pipology ‘Learn Forex’ and I’m eager to learn more. I have a demo account and have put together a swing trading strategy that I’m going to be testing out. With my ultimate goal is to become a full time trader, but that’s quite a way off!

I’ve just bought myself a trading journal so I can log my trades and journey, and I think I know the road I’m heading down. However, I would be grateful for any tips you kind people have on decent reading and educational material that will help me on my way.

Cheers Pauley


Welcome Pauley1!

I’m 46 too! (yep, I’m ■■■■■■■ old as well) and i live in SG.

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Nice to meet another old and wise soul. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would recommend The Zen Trader by Peter Castle. It’s ideal for those going live - which is a new ballgame when emotionally challenged by the FX market.

Best of luck.

Thanks Steve, just ordered it and will expect one of Mr Bezos’s associates to delivery it tomorrow.

Hi Pauley,

Welcome to the forex trading community!

In terms of additional educational material, there are plenty of resources available online. You may want to check out reputable websites, such as BabyPips, Investopedia, and TradingView, for educational articles and tutorials. Additionally, books such as “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas and “Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager are popular reads among traders. YOUTUBE is also a life hack nowadays!

Remember to always approach trading with a disciplined and patient mindset. Stick to your trading plan and avoid impulsive decisions. Best of luck on your trading journey!


Welcome to the community, Pauley! Looking forward to hearing more about your trading journey. Good luck!

Thanks Chad, I’ve just ordered those books from Amazon. My wife is gonna be giving me some funny looks when we’re sitting by the pool on our next French Rivera holiday and I’m reading books on trading!

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You legend :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Welcome to the community, Pauley. Good luck on your fx trading journey. Hope to hear more from you.

Thanks for everyone’s input and insight. I was also wondering if there are any good books available that just go through some basic strategy set ups to give me some reference points to start from?