Risk is essential in any business

No, they can’t, realistically, because you don’t have the skills, education, background, software or techniques to be able to scalp successfully, and you shouldn’t even try.

certainly you should not try to scalp the market, Chris Lynn, if you are a retail trader, this terribly difficult, really not possible for small traders

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Yes, I admit it, I have never found any retail trader who is able to survive in here with making profit consistency.

Consistency comes after a long experience. All can get one or 2 time profit they think they are now perfect. Ups and downs in trading are daily story . You can survive here if you had a plan and patience for trading.

basically the more you risk the greater the reward (well in most cases anyway) but thats simply how things work, no risk no reward, and the mere word RISK is every where and in everything we do… thats why we have risk management in forex and in other things all together.

I love risk, as it is the foundation of profit. Therefore embrace it, because, if you eliminate all risk, you will also eliminate all profit opportunity.


It is reality that trader make hasty decisions due to greed and make losses, it is also reality that risk is essential in any kind of business and forex is not different, it is also risky and tough and we should make the bold decision in order to avoid the risk, never trade blindly.

Of course no one need to do trading blindly .When market is easy to understand he can know trend of it. Even then too he should act upon his trading plan . This plan will save him from any big risk that is not easy to handle.

Yeah, risks are going to be there in each and every business and thus you need to understand that it would be in the Forex Trading somewhat more. But here the risks is equal to rewards. So we need to take risk to earn money.

I think trading blindly is not wise decision on trading, in addition only relying with lucky alone, forex market is very dynamic and unpredictable, not always as trader able analyze the trend precisely,
and sometime any trader making mistake and can’t avoid loss, when loss trades as trader need use risk management to prevent from big loss.

Blind trading and lucky trading are not strategies in trading.

But don’t you think there are two types of loss? The first is the losses that arise when the market does the less likely thing of the two things it could have done. So, if your analysis is correct 99% of the time and you always follow the same process, when 1% of your trades are losses, this is not down to a mistake or bad luck, it was inevitable.

The other type of loss is down to a mistake. Perhaps you forgot a step in your analysis or forgot to enter a stop-loss. Perhaps you thought NFPR’s would be stronger and they were weaker. Perhaps you bought when you meant to sell. These are the traders’s mistakes. They are not bad luck. There is no such thing as luck in trading.

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The types of trading that you have mentioned here, shortly means that in these strategies the trader is considering the Forex Trading as a gamble. If yes, then here you are doing the biggest mistake of your life.

Risk percentage is obvious in everywhere, whatever business you are dealing either its online or offline! So, don’t try to make here 100% profit, 100% doesn’t exist here! For recovering my lose percentage I use high profit ratio.

Yeah, Risk management and money management, are just two things, but we need to have lots and lots of knowledge and experience and skills to become successful in the Forex Trading and for that we need to have a good amount of practice.

Risk is constantly present, it ought not be dreaded but rather ought to dependably be considered as when it is not considered, traders settle on hurried choices because of avarice and make misfortunes. In this world there is many sorts of business. Whichever you need to do you should go for broke. There is no risk free business in this world. It will rely upon you that how much risk you can deal with.

Risk is obviously the essential factor in any business.Risk gets you good results and you earn a lot of money (you might even lose) but you should not be afraid of taking risk as you can not earn in any sort of business without risk.

Any business has a risk element to it. You should understand though that it should be risky within reason. There’s no point in taking great risks for small profit.

Yeah, there’s gonna be risk for each and every business, and speaking of Forex, you may find it more and more risky, but it is too much rewarding too. But you need to have lots and lots of knowledge and experience and skills to become achieve success in it.

Hi all,
This is a really good conversation going on about the risk in business.
In My opinion it really important to take risks in life. If you do not take risks you are stopping yourself in experimenting new things . It is not necessary to take risks always but when you have new innovative ideas and you feel you can grow well with them , in that cases one should take risks .

I sometimes like to risk but this is not the best scenario if you trade forex. Anyhow, any risk should be substantiated, by analysis, for example.