Topic: Risk Management
A trader is looking for a risk management strategy to use. He has backtested data for 38 trades and it has given him the following results.
Probability of hitting different TP Levels
TP1 has a strike rate of 32/38 at 1.22R
TP2 has a strike rate of 19/38 at 2.21R
TP3 has a strike rate of 8/38 at 4.94R.
He got stopped out without hitting any TP level 6/38 times at -1R
He is faced with a challenge of finding the right profit taking system.
Which of these scenarios is more profitable for the Trader?
Scenario 1
Close all trades at TP1
Scenario 2
Close all Trades at TP2
Scenario 3
Close all trades at TP3
Scenario 4
Close half at TP1, move his stop to Break even, and close the other half at TP2
Scenario 5
Close half at TP1, move his stop to break even and half at TP3
Scenario 6
Close half at TP2, move his stop to break even and half at TP3
Scenario 7
Close a third at TP1, move his stop to break even, close another third at TP2, move his stop to TP1 and close the last third at TP3
Please show your workings.