Hey whats up pipheads? I was wondering if anyone traded the RMB, (China currency)? Im not sure if I can even trade this one. I have an FXCM account and dont see it listed on the subscription page. I will ask them Sunday when market opens again, but was wondering if anyone was trading this and could run down the current fundamentals with the Olympics ending and thoughts going forward.
Or is this just a noob question? Cause I am a noob see.
I’m not sure, but I don’t think it’s available to trade. As far as I know it’s still pegged to the US. I wouldn’t mind buying a bunch though in case they float it.
If anyone else knows different, please feel free to correct me.
I actually saw it listed as CNY/USD on a site I use to track the price of Metals. It closed at 6.8349 and has been down steadily just about every month since 2005 from 8.25 but appears to be trying to form some type of bottom. Would be good to know some more about it:)