Road to $2millions account with CTI prop firm

I start with paying $59 one time free for $1000 account in order to scale up tp $2millions account
and this is my first scale up from $1000 to $4000.

and this one is the 2nd scale up from $4000 to $8000

After scale up 2 times I can withdraw $290

And this is where I am at the moment

you guys can log in to my MT5 with this investor password
ID: 2004506
Pass: ^?Ve0?mCRs
sever: MabiconPty
I just wanna find a friend to talk about trading and find some good stuff and idea for improving my strategy. After I reach $2millions account I will share all of my strategy I have to let the result proven my strategy first before sharing anything.

Hope you guys share your journey too I would like to see it all.

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Welcome to Babypips. Well done on the prop side. I hope you find a buddy on the forum with whom you can share experiences. I have never gone down the route of prop firm candidacy.

Tell us a bit about your background and your goals and plans so we can get to know you.

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