RoboForex - any experience?

Does anyone here have any experience with this broker?

i had traded there for few months, they are good, faster deposit and withdrawal with workable customer care service, regulated in New Zealand. I have used their Pro-Ecn account only.

i just make an account with roboforex can be able to tell you after 1month …

My story with Forex wasn’t as successful as I would like, but still, I am able to survive. Thanks to RoboForex 'n its competent system.

The only thing i know about them is that they got forum that use to pay, i am not sure what the status is now, but never went with real investment.

I’m your colleague, 4 the first time I was lucky. My first deposit brought me 1000 bucks, but then I’ve lost the profit. The reason is quite simple, I needed to learn. Here on RoboForex I got free analytics, webinars, the tech support is also helpful. Now I’m testing demo account, hope 4 the best.

That’s true. Forex trading is not a game, it’s a serious business. I’ve heard 'bout RoboForex, my friend’s working with this company. They have interesting platforms, MetaTrader 5 is not a novelty 4 me, mb I will try it also.

this company is not most worst, though far not perfect, but with it possibly work