
2 robots i am wondering about
#1 forex beater and #2 forex autotrader / and just a note i love this web site
thank you one and all who dwell here

Don’t bother with either robot. Read this site. Learn from it. Trade on your own. You’re better off.

I think you just have to read more about robots, learn a lot about them and about forex also. Makeup a good strategy and after that decide if what you really need is a robot for your trading. I think that there’s nothing better than making your trades by your own analysis.

I certainly agree about shaking off robots, as my grandpa said if you want a good job, do it by your own. I don’t rely on machines managing my funds. For me would be a better idea to first develop a strategy and then program it in a robot.

The forex market takes alot of mental strength. You either make your own bank or break your bank based on your personal psychology.

By using a robot people are seeking to take their accountability out of the figure. If they loose a trade they blame it on the robot, but if they win a trade it was all their doing.

Learn to trade on your own and not with a robot. :slight_smile:

Let’s be honest and practical, when you trade on Forex sometimes there are many variables that must be analyzed in fractions of seconds. Therefore an EA could minimize your execution if you get to have a robot with a good strategy and indicators.

I think trading Forex, must lead us to be open minded. At least enough to try new things aimed to enhance your strategy. We can’t just discard anything before trying it, so if you try it and it doesn’t work, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is now going to work for everybody.

I think ea�s are good tools, they have to be good for someone, or more than one, I mean, it�s like any other tool we have in Forex, each person needs to find what fits their needs. You have momentum indicators, but for some people trend indicators work better, not to mention volume which supposedly does not work very well in Forex because in Forex the volume can be hardly calculated, but for some people it works great. I once tried Tradeview envelopes indicator but it did not work for me, I�m sure it worked for a lot of people so maybe there�s one out there that works for me. As Gpjoe says, I keep it open.