Roger Khoury, Bo Yoder, marketforecastingacademy, investingfortoday, rbjfinancialgroup

Hey everyone,

Another team of scammers is exposed.

They tried to take another video down with a copyright strike. Here is a new version:

As a new user I am not allowed to post links, so you have to go to youtube and search for the user “WinnersDontScam” or the video: EXCM0EMcWok

(Due to a copyright strike it is harder to find until next week…)

This video is about Roger Khoury and Bo Yoder, but for those that do not want to listen to an AI voiceover, here is a summary.

Roger Khoury and Bo Yoder call themselves the RBJ Financial Group and are claiming that Roger Khoury identified “8 major forces that move the market” and that he has put an immense amount of work into turning these 8 forces into one simple, single indicator (they call it the Power Indicator) that gives you an 80-90% win rate…

In reality, they just copied a simple MACD and are selling it for $10,000…

For those who do not know, a MACD is calculated from two EMAs and therefore does not include “8 major forces”. This means that they are straight up lying and scamming people.

The video shows, that their indicator is just a copy of the MACD and explains how you set the plot style to the same settings.

I’m posting this here because there are old posts on forum.babypips from Bo Yoder (username: 3DApex), probably looking for more victims, and hopefully this post can save some people from falling for this scam.

You can find the thread on nexusfi by searching for rbjfinancialgroup or marketforecastingacademy.

Some of their websites (In the hope that people searching for these sites will come across this thread.):

marketforecastingacademy, investingfortoday, raiseyourfinancialiq, themarketdoctor, demandimbalancearbitrage, financialmarketsiq, profitsondemand, marketristforecasting,

Hello, as long as traders look for garbage in nice packaging, this situation will exist. Regards Greg