ROI 3% Daily: too small?

The name of this place is decieving;)

Some of the most enlightening, and in depth discussions I have ever come across on any trading forum have happened here.

apologies Master Tang :8:, but generally speaking for someone who

just stumbled across this forum . . .
for all intents and purposes it could be recognised as a place of learning for new comers, some one alluded to this point earlier in the thread too. My own general impression, with the babypips school and blogs etc, is that newcomers benefit here, and so the site would be populated by them, sort of … lol

I mean its not called forexpro, proforex,, now is it ?

Thankfully no, it’s not. Most sites with pretentious names like that turn out to be flamefested by people with superiority complexes.

I’ve seen horrible things said on other sites like that.
There’s generally no tolerance for someone with a different viewpoint.
You see it here occasionally, but not to the degree it is allowed on other sites.
And the flames here usually come from the newb to the site, not the oldtimers.

There’s quite the wealth of knowledge around here, one just has to dig a bit for it.

All in all, it’s a good place to post up ideas. Thee’s really nothing new in forex, and there will be someone here to usually provide an alternative viewpoint that comes from a voice of experience.


your point is well taken. i stumbled across this forum and decided to ask the question here.

wasn’t expecting these attacks. perhaps, should have put more time into it.

its not attacks Manni, more scrutiny by people who have seen it all before, time and time again. If your logic and reasoning can not stand up to scrutiny, it can never pass as authentic or genuine.
I have made mistakes in forums, I suppose you live and learn.

To add a little to this good post, it’s more the fact that your methods need to stand up to the market. And just so yo know, the market is neither logical, NOR reasonable.

Even the best of traders find themselves on the short end of the stick time to time.

Even the best of traders find themselves on the short end of the stick time to time.

Yeh. Just look at me!!! LOL!!! (Only joking. Well about ‘the best of traders’ part not ‘the short end of the stick’ part)!!! LOL!!!




And just to add to what’s been said about BabyPips. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s quite possible that it’s the best run site on the subject. I started posting on a few other sites (for OBVIOUS reasons i.e. ‘solicitation’ I believe it’s called) and on almost all of the other sites it would appear that ‘anything goes’!!! I was genuinely trying to give somebody advice about something the other day (I forget the topic right now) and my reply was stuck inbetween posts ranging from DIRECT LINKS (no less) to porn sites to somebody selling eyewear!!! And THAT my friends was on FOREXPROS.COM!!! LOL!!! As a matter of fact: I’ll tell you that there are ‘sharper’ and ‘wiser’ people on the BabyPips forums than there are on THOSE forums so far as I can tell which is ironic is it not. To a scam artist the name ‘BabyPips’ would APPEAR to be a possible ‘happy hunting ground’. To my mind: they’d be FAR better off going to one of the ???PROS.COMs or ???EXPERTS.COMs sites!!! LOL!!! At least, and for the most part, people around here seem to ‘care’ and ‘watch each other’s backs’. Of course: the ‘trade-off’ is that one cannot ‘solicit’ here!!! LOL!!! (But it’s a fair trade-off)!!!