RSI has nearly solid signals

The RSI strategy that I learned from a website is very promising!

I really trust the RSI signals, it has been a really great signal as of late.

And when the signal fail, boom!!


lol so right when the signal fails it fails,…I have seen to many traders trust bollinger bands at resistance believing they will be a turn around and not realizing the fundamentals have changed so the bolinger band reading is void !

Yeshua Bless you! These indicators are lagging and report past data. They are similiar to support and resistance levels. I sense that a likelihood is increased market volatility and changing fundamentals that haven’t been established in the data yet not to mention that autmoatic traders.
Let us ask where is the decrease in supply and surge in demand and vice versa. I would say the commodities markets are more crucial then one would expect.
These are hypothetical assumptions but they are facets of “intermarket analysis”!