When you are just starting out in the Forex, it can be really easy to get caught up in the leverage of the market. The great thing about leverage is that someone who is not investing as much as other larger traders can play with the �big boys� and potentially makes a good profit. An investor can expect to only need to back their investment up to 4% in most cases. This can get some people in trouble however. When you choose to abuse this system, you can end up with a lot of debt. You should never over leverage your portfolio. Be responsible when trading and remember that you are trading larger amounts that you probably have in your portfolio. Keeping yourself grounded is the best way to make sure you use the Forex market to your best potential.
Great advices the ones you gave. But, I would like to add something else. DISCIPLINE, not just to learn and keep on learning about forex, but discipline to stick to your strategy without letting your emotions (good or bad ones), get in between.
Nice day to everyone
Well I just believe in Scalping and making more small profits…
We can say for scalping that it merely found in trading when you go for higher leverage and minimizing the risks of the higher pip value and with the too close stop loss as well as limit orders. All of this procedure makes sure fast gains from your trade, and it enables you to trade in such pattern many times to make a big profit.