RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Thanks @CoinLady, I appreciate.
Yh, trading journal is on already, Iā€™ll keep u updated.

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Oh wow! Is your trading journal here on babypips? :slight_smile:

Its a notebook for now.

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I have a trading journal here but I havenā€™t updated it in a while. :sweat:

Can u send me a link?
Iā€™ll like to have a look

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Here: Trading Progress :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone, My name is Will and Iā€™m a newbie. Studying a lot by myself, so I would really appreciate if I could meet/talk with people in New Zealand (Where I am) or BRAZIL (Where Iā€™m from) and of course from all over as well, connections, always great!
Iā€™ve tried the stock market 8 years ago, and of course blowed up my account, I didnā€™t have much information and now I want to do it differently.

Thank you!!!

Hi CoinLady, I am going through the babypips site and I am at the undergrad level, also have been demo trading with mixed results.

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Hello Jctinoco, I live in Sudbury, I would be interested in joining a group of people willing to grow in the knowledge of the forex market. I have done some demo trading and Iā€™m at the undergrad level in babypips.

Hi all,

Kristy from South Africa. A complete noob when it comes to Forex and it is all a bit overwhelming. Iā€™m a researcher by heart (and profession) so I am finding all the info on Babypips fascinating. Hope to learn as much as possible.

If possible, Iā€™d love to hear some advice from experienced ZAR traders.

May the pips be with you!



My name is Simbarashe, Iā€™m from Zimbabwe. I am a newbie and I am super interested in forex trading. I first learnt about forex trading from my economics Professor back in college, whilst I was studying for a bachelors degree in Accounting, and Iā€™ve been hooked since then. I opened a few demo accounts blowing them, watched YouTube videos about trading but I found them of less help.
A friend of mine the told me about the school of pipsology, and how it has helped him tremendously.
So here I am :slight_smile:

hi guys,my name is Creyman Temitope 24 from Nigeria am new to forex trade and babypips though i have read and heard about forex,but my major fear has always been where to start from cos it all seem very complex to me,an older friend who is a trader introduced me to babypips and made me understand that i donā€™t have to be a genius to tradeā€¦guess this is the best platform to overcome my fears and finally get to do something honorable with my lifeā€¦looking forward to learning about forex tradeā€¦think i should start composing my letter of thanks to babypips cos i have faith in u with the little i have seen here in this community

Good idea. You should really start with demo first. :slight_smile:

I think youā€™ve come to the right place to start you off. Are you going through the school of pips?

Hey my name is Tostos, Iā€™m a newbie on this forum, lā€™m a graduate and currently a job seeker, Iā€™m a 23 year old from Africa, Nigeria to be precise, I got introduced to the babypips school of pipsology by a buddy of mine from Qoura.
Iā€™ll have to admit,ever since I stumbled on the babypips online forex training, I have have had no regrets whatsoever and itā€™s been an excitement packed journey for me, as it keeps mentoring/guiding me through my beginner phase of forex trading.
Iā€™m excited as well as,looking forward and anticipating my participation in this forum. I canā€™t wait to cross fertilize ideas and rub minds with the think tanks of the forex world.
Once again Iā€™ll like to say a big thank you for having me.

baba mi welcomeā€¦ nice to see a brother around hereā€¦ I am quite new to this siteā€¦ but abit old to forex worldā€¦ Oshey!

Oga mi
We dey together no laylaay

Hey everybody iĀ“m TP89, ive been in to forex for two years now. Hope to get and share some knowledge in this forumā€¦ Wish a great week ahead for everyone

Hello @Clint3922! Welcome to the community!

Yep! I agree! Thereā€™s no better place to start learning forex trading than at the School of Pipsology. :slight_smile: Good luck and see you around!

Hello Dr. Cee! Welcome to the community! Are you a doctor in real life? :slight_smile:

Good luck to your forex journey and Iā€™m looking forward for you to share your trading experiences here.