RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hie y’all, I’m new here

Good day!

I am new in this community, obviously.
This site was recommended by a mentor of which I highly look up to. We have the same motives in learning how to trade.

I hope to learn a lot from here.

That’d be all. :>

Hi there. I am Samantha. Great to find this page. Can’t wait to learn more!!

Hey everyone,

I’m new to Forex and I’m here to learn all that it is about and be financially stable. I’m glad I found this page through a friend I heard it has a lot of goodies.

I hope to learn a lot from BabyPips.

Hi there!
I am Ian, the reason why i would like to learn and trade forex is that currency trading makes our life easier if you know how to analyze the trends. It is much better than the stock market since you could benefit on both trends.

Hi! I’m Snikolerl :slight_smile: I’m currently a university student majoring in Physics.

Life’s been too hard for me. I am currently supporting myself and diving into the world of Forex might create the lifestyle that I always wanted. I have saved a significant amount of money to enter the Forex Market but I might need to get myself educated first. I’m so excited to learn and meet people here!

Helllow everyone Im T from South Africa i just love the freedoms that comes with money so i want to learn forex

Newbie here… took a course about 10yrs ago (specific to a software). It was really interesting, but I just didn’t have time to devote to it. Looking forward to starting over… hope some of it comes back to me!

Hi, total newbie here. I’m from the NE of England, and I build engines while retraining as a therapist. Total newbie to trading. A friend of mine does this full time and very successfully, they recommended babpips and here I am. My motivation is to make some good connections in this industry, learn everything I can and hopefully become profitable in a few years time.

Looking forward to getting into it!

yoooooo my name is Rabbit2626

I am new to FX
kinda shy but hey
nice to meet

Hi everyone!

My name is Jessica I am from England. I am currently studying for a degree in Economics and Politics.

I am a newbie to the forex market and would love some help and tips!


Hey Everyone,

FatDragon03 here and I’m based in London.

Total newbie to all things trading, so looking forward to starting this journey and hoping to work with some of you as things progress.

Good luck all!

Hello! I am Alex Ngaa, from Kenya Africa. I am new here and very new to forex trading, i mean i have no idea on how you guys trade. I am just excited to be here on this platform. I gained an interest in forex trading because i saw a friend trying to trade and i felt like it was thing to try out. I love doing something that keeps on challenging me, something that will always put me on my toes to keep on learning, doing research and gaining more knowledge and experience as i become better everyday. i am actually starting from a no idea point to become a pro. cheers

Hi everyone! I’m extremely new to trading. I’ve always had an interest in learning more about Forex and how trading even happens. I’m looking forward to soaking up all the information I can like a sponge and I’m looking forward to learning a lot and meeting others on this new journey!

Hello guys :wave:

I’m not a materialistic person and I’ve never been money-minded as a child but since I started working, I really desired to have money in order to buy myself freedom from taking anyone’s orders.

I want to be my own boss in essence.

I don’t really desire to have jets or yatchs, I just want to buy time to do what I really want to do. And I hope trading will help me to achieve this goal before I hit 30 :pray:t2:

I’m looking forward to develop a passion in generating income through Forex and to learn more from everyone :ok_man:t2:

Hi everyone, I like to trade options and I also want to trade forex. I have struggled to try to learn forex on my own. I’m from Orlando, Florida.

Hi! My name is Bruno and I’m from Brazil.
I’m 30, and my experience level at Forex Markets is “zero”, really, I don’t understand about that kind of Market, buuuut I have a passion and will… and here I am! I hope that I can contribute my ideas to you as soon as I learn how to drive this. Thank you very much!

Hello my name is Denille
I am new to trading and I want to learn about what I need to be successful in this field. I want financial security and to be the person that provides that same security to my children. Im happy that I found this site and I am eager to start gaining knowledge of the market.

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Hiya everyone
MarketNoob here from the UK. I have been interested in trading for nearly 5 years now. Had a short dip in the market about 3 years ago with a small account and blew the account on palladium. After that, I haven’t traded. Currently majoring in comp science and hope to learn and grow with the community.

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chimenim is my name and i’m new here… i’m looking forward to all your support to help me gain speed.