RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hello everyone. My name is Bernadette. I’m a single parent living in southern california. I ran into oceannsky in instagram talking about forex in several of his posts. Read a brief bio on how he came from having no money to being a mutimillionaire owning 30 active companies. It’s a very heart felt story that I’m sure most can relate to…

I’ve done some trading in the past with e-trade along time ago (like 20 yrs ago) lol Thought I’d try something new this time around. I’m going to take my time with this and learn from you all pip-masters and the newbies as well. So please be gentle with the new kid on the block. lol


Hi Bamidele,
Welcome to baby pips. I have been trading Forex for about 5 years now. I would recommend that you go through the baby pips school. I wished that I had learned about years ago. I went through the school about 2 years ago and it was really helpful. It will give you a good base. If you have specific questions you can message and I’ll see if I can help.


Hi Merah,
You have come to the correct place. The education will help your approach to trading. Regards

Welcome Bernadette, I found this site after I had been trading FX for a couple of years and it was helpful in filling in the gaps. I think you will like the school that is offered. A word of advice, while you are learning keep your per trade risk and weekly total risk down around 1% of the account balance.


I would suggest going through the free school they have here.


Assalam o Alaikum .

I am Waqas From Pakistan. by profession i am a civil engineer. i am new to the amazing world of Forex with an experience of just 6 months.

i have been introduced in this field by one of my friend. and really its amazing. till now i am just practicing on Demo.

hope one day i will start live trading.

Best Regards.

Thanks to all of you.

Me not new, am an active user on another forum but moving here as that forum has been hijacked with excessive advertisements.

I have some trading experience but due to lack of time run couple of EAs. I hope to have more learning in both manual and automated trading.


Good Morning Friends,

I am shanziester and I am new to Babypips. I am certainly not new to World of Forex. I have trading for last 3 years and I have multiple live accounts. I have never invested a single penny in the market. I started off by playing demo contests and won quite a few through which I acquire live accounts of 3 top class brokers. I also manage a PAMM account with over 100% return every 3 months or less. My aim is to make quick money. My trading style is aggressive so I scalp most of the time. However, I follow two trading styles. If i am going for long run I prefer price action strategy otherwise I just use technical chart to scalp trades. This has boosted my account significantly and I can proudly say I caqn pull money out of this market. I believe with PATIENCE and EDUCATION , one can crack this Forex market and reap profits consistently.

hi guys,

just getting started with this FX thing. i av heard about it for over a decade but never really believed in it. But today, something just hit n here l am.


My name is erickiosis, I am from Tanzania - East Africa. I am a farmer

Opened a Demo account a few days ago starting with 5,000$ and I am now at 3,000$ :54:

I’m here to learn…

Hello, glad to be here!

hi all,

i’m girlgenius i’m from the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago,i’m just here to learn everything about FX trading…

yes, that is how it suppose to be, it happened to me when i begin to trade i lost all 5000$ in demo account, the more i loose the more i gain knowledge and discover many ways to loose in forex. It is an unavoidable state, no trader, will tell you he is 100% always in profit, no market must move against you, because the market is not always right. Neva relax, keep on trading, but when u loose, review your loose trades and see what and why you loose the trades. Ok

Hi all, This is Arif from Bangladesh which is a very small country in Asia. I am a graduate. Serving in a real estate company. Now i am interested to learn FOREX. Starting with “What Is Forex?”… thats it. Thanks

I am also relatively new at FOREX. Been trading for a about a year and a half. Thought I was alone in Kenya.

Hi everyone,

My name is Alex, I’m from Frankfurt in Germany. Although I am new to currency trading, I am really curious about the financial markets and stock trading. I discovered the world of Forex last December, and since then I started reading a great book called “Trading for a Living” written by Alexander Elder. So I got “addicted” to the world of trading. :slight_smile:

I noticed this forum to be helpful and informative, so I decided to join in.
Happy trading, everyone, hopefully we will be able to help each other out.

Hi, I am Cristal and I have a great interest in forex which is why I am here. I want to completely master and be very knowledgeable about the FX market. I am in my early 20s, I currently live in Philadelphia PA USA but hopefully I will be moving to Miami Florida soon. I wanted another stream of income as I am currently in the insurance business. A few weeks ago I was introduce to the forex market and this young man taught a forex school which had a high tuition cost therefore I decided to read and study all the free information before spending any money to know I would even be interested. I am really excited about this platform and its structure with different levels and quizzes.

good to see you cristal…m in chicagoland…also relatively new to FX…not very active on the group here but now I plan to be…have been trading FX for a few months…

Hi Traders I’m from Australia ! I like to get more knowledge and get better results…

Hi Girlgenius, you are in the right place to learn FX. Good luck