RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi all, I am happy to become a member at I have been learning forex trading since 2012 and I am still learning a great deal. I also have a few demo and a live account. I discovered that there is no right or wrong way of trading, it depends on the comfortability of the individual. I am more inclined to be a scalper than a big move trader. What I hope to benefit from is the insights you guys provide in the articles and the forums. It helps traders understand where the market is headed on a short/medium/long term analysis and then it depends on the trader which method to employ in the actual trading itself.

Thank you very much for being so helpful to other novice players like myself.

Great to have you get on board. What made you finally pull the trigger?

Hi Waqas, Congrats on getting started trading when you have shown yourself consistently profitable over a couple of months then shift to a small live account and see how your emotions play out before going big. good luck.

Hi Cristal, Good luck with your move. I think you probably made a good decision to not spend the money at this time. This site and the people can help you learn alot first so if you ever do go to a class you will know if it is helpful or not. Good luck trading.


Hi Niles, I use to be from Chicagoland. South west suburbs. What part are you from and what got you interested in FX? Good luck trading. Cheers

My name is Jubril Taiwo.A Professional Accountant living in Nigeria. New to forex trading

Hi there. I appreciate being here. I have done slme research already on various platforms and look forward to learning more so that I can master this Forex thing. Thansk for having me.

Hi All,
Does anyone in the forum use ichimoku. I started live trade about 2 months ago using the ichi and the learning curve is challenging. I would like to link with all those use the ichi. Thanks

Hi my name is Des,

I am new to trading and I am training and taking it day by day! I am still trying to grasp this! See I have a medical condition which keeps me out of work often and I am shakey in keeping my position there so I am wanting to learn to trade and get good at it way before they fire me! I am a single mom, I recently got engaged to my boyfriend and hope to marry next year! Look forward to making friends and learning from each and every one of you! :heartpulse::kiss:

hello every oneā€¦ i am asim masood from Pakistanā€¦ my friend once tell me that i am earning money very fastlyā€¦ i think he was joking but when i saw him on forex i realized he was not saying wrongā€¦ i started forex just before a monthā€¦ i dont know much about itā€¦ but i think all of here will help me in learningā€¦

Hey Pips,
My name is Bryson and I am new to the world of Forex trading. I happened upon this site when I googled information about trading currency. I am an over the phone customer service rep, and I hate it. I play the drums and I am also a student and I canā€™t wait to get my feet wet with my first trade, but first I will utilize a demo account. I hope one day to have no boss to answer to, and babypips is the first step in achieving my dreams.

Hello my name antonio1504
its nice to get to know nice like minded people here , hope we can share ideas

Hi Everybody,

my name is Stefan and I live in Switzerland, I am currently working full time as an engineer

I first started with a demo FX account in 2008 but I was not really focused or convinced, so after wiping out an entire account in a short while I quit completely

I have always been fascinated by finance and economics so I decided to try again with FX trading, this time focusing and preparing more instead of just betting :19:

I have been trading demo accounts for a few months and I am slowly getting better!

I would say that the best would be having a part time job + trading :smiley:

Great working realizing the school of pipsology! Thanks!


Forex is attention-grabbing Pine Tree State since 2011,but i do not have time to be told it, then I arrange to investment my cash to somebody that individuals aforesaid ā€œmasta of forexā€ā€¦ however the tip of the day I lost contact thereupon ā€œmastaā€ & I lost my cash tooā€¦
Itā€™s a laborious year on behalf of meā€¦
And currently I try and learn forex by my selfā€¦ got to stand by my very own footā€¦
and here iā€™mā€¦ do not know a way to beginā€¦
But iā€™m able to learnā€¦

Hello fellow traders, Iā€™m elha from Indonesia, hope to get new way of trading here. Wish me luck :slight_smile:

Do all posts have to be approved or does this change after a while??? thx

Hi, Iā€™m Glory, from Nigeria. A medical Doctor, started trading about 8 months ago, blown my trading account 3 times. Hope to learn a lot from here.

myquest here but not really a newbie, just donā€™t get here that often. I am from Canada but am living in Shenzhen, China with my wife. Iā€™ve been here for almost 20 years now which seems like a lifetime. I have to use a VPN due to access issues which Iā€™m sure Admin can understand. Nice to be with you all and hope, when I can find a reliable broker, to be back at the trading game.

Hi, I am wuraolaā€¦ 27. Im relatively new to forex again. did it about 5 years ago and lost a lot of money so i stopped. i ready to get back in the game. i will appreciate all the help possible. thanks

Wuts going on with gbpcad?