RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

You are in the right place to learn about FOREX. The school is helpful and should get you started in the correct direction. Remember with FX you are trading two different currencies that are paired together in one price chart. So it is what is called a pair trade and you want to pick the currencies that will go in opposite directions over your trading time frame. Good luck and ask for help the people here will help.

Best Regards,

Hi Babypips folks!

My name is Jon, Iā€™m 38 and I am from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I am a very blessed father of four and a wonderful wife who is always supportive of me. I was a mechanic all my life until an injury has left me with the very distinct possibility that my lifeā€™s passion might have to come a very abrupt end. I began researching alternate methods of earning a good income that is less taxing on my body. Having always been curious about how the Stock Market works, but I never looked into it. Until now. In my short goggle link to link surfing, I kept seeing the Forex. I thought forget it because of 95+% failure rate, etc, etc. No wayā€¦ but then I thought hey, why not try practicing it? More googling led me Oanda because they are Canadian I guess. I downloaded their FXTrader program and gave it a shot. We just finished week two of practicing and we are curious about how people trade. How much time do people devote per day? How long do people practice on average? Average Profits/Losses for complete rookie beginners who are literally just learning all of it. Thank you and I look forward to learning much more about it.

Well hello everyone, and a special thanks to babypips to introduce myself. I am a newbie trader and a part time blogger. So in short i am in a learning all process and reading all initiation. I came to know about babypips from a fellow friend who is already a active traders and talked to me into getting into trading. So i am looking forward to get involved in discussion in forums, post comments, get in touch with active traders, and learn new things

Hi all
I am Natarajan from india
I am a futures trader, trading since 2014
I am new to Forex, want to learn
Any help welcome

Hello, FX-Men and future trader, Iā€™m DeMarco Brooks and I wantā€¦no NEED to try my hand in this so here I am.
Plan to roll of my sleeves, (well I wear tees anyway), and have as much fun as possible and never get frustrated only fundamental. Iā€™m 27 years young, Iā€™m from Alabama in the US and any and all help possible will be helpful.
Really plan to make this my main thing because once you start thinking of where you see yourself in the next five years its a no brainer especially aside from working a 6-2 or 2-10. Let your money work you not vice versa. So letā€™s do this. Thank you guys for having me onboard. Future me, here I come.:41::45::cool::44:

Hello all,

My name is Zach, and I am a 22 year old graduate and white collar employee who is new to Forex.

I am obsessed with geopolitics, markets, and economics. I am currently in elementary school in Babypips and have to say that I absolutely love it. My favorite aspects of Forex are:

-It is a mobile method for making money
-You do not need employees to scale it
-There is always money to be made. You just have to figure out where it is.

I am located in Phoenix, AZ and am working at as an Inside Sales Rep currently. I would like to take Forex full-time, although I know it will take a lot of effort and studying to get things off the ground.

I plan to work on Forex when I wake up an hour or two every day before I go to work and also from 5-8pm after I get back right in the evening. When I feel comfortable with using real money, I will have around 5-6k to start out with.

My question is this - taking these things into consideration, what would be a good goal to set for taking Forex full-time? Do you know what a reasonable goal setting structure would look like for this endeavor?

Thanks a lot

Hi Everyoneā€¦

Syafiq here from Malaysia.Know about FX trading a way back but never intend to join(because no one ever invite me to trade), but last 2 weeks,one of my cousin invite me on to join him,and want me to learn all about FX ,thus he gave me this website and told me to learn everything that I can grasp from babypips which is one of the biggest FX Communities. So,this is how I arrive here,I hope that I can learn a lot ,knowing how to trade,how to read chart and trend.

Last but not least, hope you guys can help me in my learning process .

Thank You

Hi everyone,
I am from Nigeria and a graduate of Babypips school of pipsology with a degree in pipsology

I got to know about forex trading in 2008 when one Mr. Anthony came on radio program proclaiming the good news of fx trading and how it is the *apiam-way to financial heaven;infact that he came to take people there having come from there himself.
I paid for the manā€™s seminar and became a disciple. He taught us that stochs and one indicator he called fx-killer is the only tools we need to make that heaven.
I became a strong believer such that even before the seminar was over, I have started dreaming of the latest car I will show off to my friends. I lost my faith when I blew my account the fourth time in 2months( yes my faith was that strong ). The money worth was 200,000 naira( Nigerian currency) and that was a devastating experience for a young man of about 20 yrs of age looking for an escape route from poverty. And the worst of it is that by this time our financial messiah have disappeared.( whether he ascended back to his heaven or descended into hell I donā€™t know). Luckily rather than despair, curiosity took possession of me. I determined to embark on a search for The Holy Grail. However, having lost my life savings I decided to lay low for some time.
It was only last year that I finally embarked on the search for The Holy Grail. I combed the nooks and crannies of the internet;searched all the streets and alley ways. I couldnā€™t find it. All I kept hearing in street corners is ā€œthere is no Holy Grailā€. I became sad and disappointed and ashamed of being a forex trader.
Then one bright afternoon while taking a stroll in the internet, I discovered Babpips world and decided to peep in, not out of interest but out of curiosity. In that process, I saw The School of Pipsology and became a pupil. that was when my journey as a trader truly began. I learnt the wrong things the wrong way in 2008. I have to unlearn and re-learn.
The light-hearted manner with which the FX-MEN presents the lessons made it a lot of fun. I wish I started there in 2008. You guys are wonderful. I still have a lot to learn. I want to be like you guys when I grow up. The little I have gathered in my journey Iā€™d love to share it here.
I am pipsologer I study the movement of pips. I hope to learn a lot in these forums

apiam-way a local slang in my area. it means short-cut

how people trade
I see trading as journey of self discovery. it is as varied human faces. So it is not about how people trade but how you feel most comfortable trading. But you need a lot of ground knowledge first. I strongly recommend you passing through School of Pipsology. it will clear many cobwebs. then develop a strategy based on whether you want to follow trends, or ranging markets or news. bear in mind that what worked in
trends may not work other market situations.

How much time do people devote per day?

how much time you devote to trading per day does not determine how much dollar you make. when I started newly I used to glue my eyes on the screen causing myself high blood pressure. these days I only open my platform btw 8am and 11am Newyork time just to look for trading opportunities. the longer you stay watching your trade the more emotional you become. thatā€™s my opinion.

How long do people practice on average?

It depends on how quick you learn. many recommends practicing for three months. for me practice as long as your confidence level is low and unable to triple or quadriple your demo account

Average Profits/Losses for complete rookie beginners who are literally just learning all of it

people make profit in forex based their on risk management capability and trading strategy. as a rookie you will only be gambling. there is no question of profits because there is no limit to losses.

hello everyone,

Im jeremy. not so new to forex. its been a while i didnt do the trade because of big loss and feel that i hv trade like a gambler. i regards myself as a very rookie in trading and worth as a failure. still thinking there is hope and feel i need help. i read a lot of e book but still no success. until i found these website. im still think that my mentality still very low in trading just like a kindergarten kid. i hope Dr. Pipslow can guide and transform me to become the successful trader.

Thanks in advance

I am new to trading was inspired by a former co-worker who enjoys it a lot. I am looking forward to learning more about this industry.

hello , my nickname is imraj. Full name Md Imraj Hossain. you can call me Imraj. Although i donā€™t know the meaning of my name. but i would like to know about it. Anyway, itā€™s nice to meet you here. thanks everyone. :slight_smile:

Hiiā€¦ Iā€™m still new hereā€¦ still need to study more hope we can get alongā€¦:wink:

Hello This is me George Torrent. I am here in babypips to complain few of forex broker site. Thank you

Hi All,

My name is Shawn from Singapore . I have been in touch with Forex for a year plus, during these period I have experience the pain and frustration of losing my hard earn money. Things which I did naively in my journey of forex include buying robots from web, buying learning package, trying my luck in long and short trade ā€¦ hiding in my blanket and cried over my failure.

I once lose hope in forex , thinking that maybe forex is just a scam created by bank. But when I see the rate from my countryā€™s money charger really respect with what forex is presenting, I know I was damn wrong and stupid

Now I face forex in a different mentality , forex is not as scary as what I think as long as you respect the swing with each currency pairs. Every pairs has it own character and we have to understand them.

I create a blog to share my view toward each currency pairs. I swear to god that nothing in the blog has intention of making money out of someone. I just hope to make some friends with same interest with my blog and who knows my analysis may help friends out there to make a small profit.

Nothing is 100% in trading and that why I need more friend to watch my back just incase my analysis go wrong.

I apologize for my poor English , but that what life is about, learn from mistake and never give up :slight_smile:

Your sincere friend : Shawn

a 3 year long thread of introductions is at the least an impressive one :slight_smile:
Hi everyone my name is FXSurfer and im entirely new at all this. Like most out there, I surf on the internet on a daily basis and recently I was hungry in starting something new. A new activity that would gauge my interest. I landed on this page, babypips, read a bit about the forex market and needless to elaborate more, here i am. Ever since Im attending the school on a frequent basis and i look forward to learning more about trading and eventually develop my skills to become the best trader I can possibly be :slight_smile: Looking forward to this already and already learnt a lot.

read some other interesting introductions out there so best of luck to all

Hi everyone, Iā€™m jamo92. Tried some forex trading a few years ago but lost a lot of money because I was gambling and uneducated. Iā€™m here to try again after finishing the course on this site.

Iā€™m looking to start getting involved in the community here as a way of motivating myself, documenting my mistakes and develop a better understanding of the fundamentals.

Best of luck fellow newbies!

Hi all, joined babypips a year ago and completed the excellent school training. So thought Iā€™d better introduce myself and start making a contribution to this great site. Started demo trading in November 2014 with a system I devised myself, it worked great for 2 months with a 40% return. So I thought ā€˜lets go live with thisā€™ (first mistake, you really need to test your system for a [U]minimum[/U] of 3 months in all types of market conditions). Watched my Ā£1000 slowly dwindle away to Ā£60 over 3 monthsā€¦ouch! Result - went back to school, really studied this time (and still learning today). Refined the system, looked back and learned from mistakes Iā€™d made and started again in May 2015. Turned the Ā£60 back into Ā£650 within 4 months. What Iā€™ve learned so far is this; The market is always right, it may be volatile, irrational, unpredictable at times and sometimes unfair - but it is always right - your job is to be right with it. Take it on the chin if youā€™re wrong and donā€™t lose your rag. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi forum members!

I newly joined to this site today.i trade forex and stocks for quite few years.hope by joining this site I ll gain and contribute for mutual benefit of fellow traders.