RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hey all,

My name is Tim, reside in Erie, Pa, USA; an older fart with a younger heart. I currently work as a machinist for a company and do not take a liking of working hard to make someone else money. I strive to become independent of employers’ greed.
I am embarking on a journey that will slowly transition me to achieving my goal. I have been practicing with market replay and now real time forex markets. I will continue with my employment as I begin live trading so as not to have as scared of money going in. I have 16 months of study under my belt, with a break for 2 months as I prepared my garden for the year. The toughest task I have is smoothing out a routine to wake up, take care of the markets, prep for work and the ability to keep an eye on it throughout the day…slowly it comes to fruition each day.
I would like to both give and take on this forum. Hope to one day be able to mentor someone…that would be quite the goal to achieve.


Tim you are starting the right way, slow and steady she goes. I started and an older age to learn and make an income when i retired and i am there now. Good trading and keep your eye on the ball.

My name is Emalyn and I am a single mother of one in Alaska. I am completely new to Forex and any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. I have been working hard to provide for my son since his dad isn’t much help. During the summer months when my son is out of school (he is currently 8 years old), he always asks if I can stay home with him. Unfortunately since I need to provide for him, I have to tell him that I have to work for both of us so we can enjoy our weekends together and if we’re lucky we can take a vacation together. I just recently heard about Forex and I want to learn as much as I can so i can provide the best for my son and eventually teach him how to hustle to eventually provide for his family. I’m hoping Forex will also allow me time to spend with my son so I can watch him grow!
I heard about babypips through a Periscope broadcast. I thought I would give it a try to learn the ropes! Please feel free to give me tips on how to become a good Forex trader so I can be the best mom to my son! Thanks guys!!!


Hello everyone, I am Semper Pips! I have followed the babypips community since 2007. I actually learned about forex through the course and stuck with it trading demo and live accounts. I have grown to know a lot about trading and hopefully can contribute but I think almost all has been said about trading forex. I do have a blog and will put a link to it later on in another section of the forum. It is more of how I trade and what my experiences are. Not selling anything. Hope everyone’s next trade is a profitable one.

Hello Everyone,
I am ganna19, an Italian guy who lives in Australia. I have to say that your school is simply amazing. The friendly approach that you use to introduce forex definitions and concepts makes everything a lot more easy to understand.
Thank you very much for your help!


New here and introducing myself. Hoping to learn lots from you all.


I am abdelhak2 have same bagage but still need a lot…practise make perfecte
hope we will discuss our dificulies and knowledge here
any help welcome

Hello friends, I’m very new here and hope to learn trading here.

Hello friends, I’m Augustus. A new person here. I hope to learn trading here.

Hey Team, my name is John Espin. I’m from New Zealand in a town called “Te Puke”, yip that’s right. It’s where much of the Kiwi’s or Kiwifruit are grown.

Anyhow, I’m well through the school of pipsology. Really appreciate the time it must have taken to put this up and revise it.

Welcome abdelhak2 :slight_smile:

Welcome AustusIsaac247 :slight_smile:

Welcome also to goompa :slight_smile:

Hello!! My name is Simon and I am a complete NEWB to the world of Forex.

I am from NJ, USA and I am actually a business owner. I do have some previous trading experience primarily in mutual funds and some stocks.

Didn’t finish college but you don’t need a degree to make money ;-). Happy to be here and excited to learn how to increase my income. More importantly, I can’t wait to share this knowledge with my people.

Hi Dr.Pipslow,

I really love your words & your articles.
I’m a new student here and aim to invest my money into forex. Nice to see you all, and hope that we can discuss and support each other in the near future.:wink:

Hello, My name is myke3295 I have big dreams of becoming a full time currency trader. This website has so much useful info It almost feels unreal. I look forward to the ups and downs of this adventure. Thanks

Hi Guys,

I am 25 and from Germany. I am relatively new to FX and am grateful for this awesome website. It is really helpful. Thanks!




I am an individual trader.

I want to make some money.

I have no idea how much a warp drive starship will cost when available on the market.


Hi Guys,

My name is Artur and I live in Poland. I’m interested in FX quite a while, but I lost my first deposit some time ago, and after this experience I know I must learn a lot before I risk more real money. So here I am, just to develop my self on the fx and financial field. I would like wish you and myself Good Luck!


Hey there,

My name is George and I am originally from Bulgaria, but currently live in the UK. I was interested a while back but lost some money to binary trades and thought of dropping the stuff. I have been working with a FX company for a while and am pretty happy to learn of the advantages of FX as opposed to binary. I wish you all good luck and good trades. Also, please, forgive me if I drop an occasional post regarding the platform I’m working with atm. (and scold me if I’m getting annoying) :slight_smile:

Thanks for being so nice as to accept me in this community,