RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum


Hahaha! :smiley: You guys are amazing! :slight_smile: :blush: Super canā€™t wait to interact more with you guys on other threads and maybe get to know more about your trading too! :smiley:

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Hi everyone! Iā€™m Audrey and I have been trading in forex for a little while now. I have the basic knowledge about it but I guess I could learn more as I am a rookie in this field. A friend of mine suggested that Babypips will be useful for me as there are a lot of helpful community people who could help me and share all they know about forex trading and markets. Iā€™d really appreciate it if someone out here could share his/her tips, experiences and guidance on forex trading. Itā€™ be really encouraging to have some ā€˜forexā€™ friends. Thanks!! :slight_smile:


Welcome Audery! Your friend is right about the babypips community here. Not only about this but also fun education provided in Learn How to Trade the Markets

About my personal experience, Itā€™s been long enough, and in short, just like life is all about, itā€™s always up and down. Some times, it will hurt you the most and other times, it will make you happy the most. But be wise in every decision and have self-control in critical situations, including forex. Practice patience and endurance and avoid anger and greedy.
My successful tip for forex trading is just have a strategic plan about everything around you, and it should serve everyone well, be it family or work. Never focus on forex alone. Also include silent time (no trading, no devices, no screens), talk with depressed people and help them because thatā€™s where youā€™ll be reminded that you should be grateful forever. The reason Iā€™m saying these is because we became too attached with forex, along with devices easily and forget the true nature about the beauty of the world God created. You need to trade forex only if you have passion for it, and you must learn how to detach sometimes.

Be generous if youā€™ve enough after family! Thatā€™s all I can share with you.
And donā€™t forget to smile everywhere, both good and bad times. :slight_smile:


This is such precious advice not just about forex but about life as well. Thank you so much!! And I completely agree with you about being generous and valuing the beauty of this world. Forex is really captivating but slowing down once in a while and looking around to appreciate the goodness of this world and helping people is more important. I hope one day through forex I can earn enough for myself and my family so that I am able to help those in need too. That would be really fulfilling! ļŠ
As a beginner Iā€™ll keep in mind to be prudent and exercise self-control while trading. Could you please tell me how long you have been trading and how profitable forex has been for you till now? And once again thank you for sharing your views. I hope you also keep smiling alwaysļŠ


hi all , My name is MillionPips and I havenā€™t made it yet. I need someone I can correspond with and help get on with the pip collection journey.

Thatā€™s great initiative about your plan and I like your humbleness and self-less love style. But make sure you mark your word. Because in next few years, in case you made enough, you will be wandered away when you start realizing the more money you make. Thatā€™s my takeaway from the movie, the great ā€œWHAT IFā€, though itā€™s a faith based fictional one but itā€™s true and can be related to my experience.

Sure but in limited way, Iā€™ve been trading for the last 5 years and I am making around 1300 pips monthly. Iā€™m strictly keeping by the stop loss and profit booking targets before entering into trades. Of course Iā€™m serious about trading, not playing which I used to in earlier stage.
You should not focus on my experience, my profits, because itā€™s where you feel like you have a long tortoise lane to reach the desired destination, which could demotivate you, or make you greedy sometimes. But what we all know is that we all will get that experience there, no shortcut is needed. Mistake is okay but realize immediately, not in technical term (because thereā€™s lot of questions we donā€™t understand), but about ourselves.

I hope this figure, suggestions, tips about forex and surroundings help you to shape your style better.

Hope for me? Your hope is ever true, Iā€™m always smiling. :slight_smile:

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Hello MillionPips, if youā€™re new, you have to be BabyPips first. Thatā€™s where we are. :smiley:
Jokes apart, Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s anyone here for this journey of yours because this is a forum page, and forum is all about discussion. Yes, you can find the broker by search here, they can help you with that. Otherwise if you find the partner, that would be good for you but itā€™s advisable to avoid finding one because there will be dispute in sharing parts. We must admit that there will be a dispute and you wouldnā€™t want that.
If you want to gain experience, there are lots of expert traders available here who shared their views in various threads.
Feel free to roam around.
and MillionPips, welcome to the community.

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Welcome to the forums @MillionP1P5! Cool username! :slight_smile:

So awesome of you to welcome new members also @MasonPorter! Iā€™ve been busy the past couple weeks but happy to be back here again!

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Glad to know mate @Purtle
How was your productive week? I hope it was and is fabulous. :smiley:

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Iā€™m a bit late to the welcome party but welcome @audrey_collins and @MillionP1P5! :smiley: Haha. Happy to have you guys in this super awesome community! :smiley: I hope youā€™ve also met the really nice experienced traders we have here. :blush:

Hi Everyone, My name is Desmond Awaseb, 36 years of age from Namibia, South of Africa, next to South Africa, geographically a little big country with population of about 2.9m people. I love soccer and entrepreneurship is what i believe in currently working in a ISP company as an Network Engineer but tired of working want to make a huge living from trading is why i joined this group to learn, i have 0 experience in trading and want to master it with your help.


Hi Martin, i m a newbie myself and want to learn from you to be profitable, i watch you tubes were people from 10 USD to 4K usd in a day but im struggling to make profit im using IQ options to trade Forex very user friendly application, i did do trades on demo and won but if i deposit its hard, give me a strategy to use or teach me something.


Hi MasonPorter

Please help me to trade, im new in this game, Im Desmond Awaseb just joined recently from Namibia

Welcome to babypips - and hello to you there in Namibia.

Regarding your questions, you have to ask more detailed questions instead of just vaguely begging for help. The community here likes people who do their research and ask well thought out questions. Good luck!

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Hi traders

I wish to bless everybody with health happiness wealth and self discipline

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Hi everyoneā€¦ My name is Shamar and Iā€™m from Barbados. Iā€™m new to forex and currently going through The School Of Pipsology,the more I read the more interested it gets.

Lots of new people here when I was gone for 2 weeks.
And welcome back @purtle :slight_smile: I hope you had productive busy.

I think School of Pipsology is the best way for the newbies in trading, @Mar86 is very right. You guys should try it. Funny is that I would be dead if I go to school again. :laughing: but this one is electronic and they designed so well that we donā€™t want to stop learning when tasting it. :yum:


Hello, My name is Unity097 Iā€™m from Nigeria, Iā€™m new to forex trading and I want to learn

Welcome to the community @MillionP1P5. I think the folks over here are quite helpful. If you have any questions Iā€™m pretty sure the senior members and even us newer members will be willing to help you out if we can.

Hello @Unity097! Welcome to babypips! Have you started the Babypips school?