Russia has invaded Ukraine

Unfortunately, my mom believes Russian state propaganda, and even goes as far as to say that it is America who are bombing Ukraine and that they also bombed Syria. You see the kind of nonsense the State propaganda is spoonfeeding its people. The ones who are uneducated and old are falling for it.

Perhaps it’s a good thing that the average Russian does not have a vote.

Only when the population is uneducated or semi-literate, because they will tend to make poor and incompetent decisions. A very good example is Brexit in which the people voted to get poorer and hungrier. But a country full of zombified people is not a good thing, considering they will tend to get hostile to you for no reason when you are no threat to them.

It’s interesting that someone who, by definition has far more experience and observation of world events than you - chooses to reject out of hand the Propaganda with which you are being indoctrinated :sunglasses:

WHat previous experiences of her own State propaganda - leads her to reject the Propaganda of her own Legacy Media in such an interesting way - do you think ? :slightly_smiling_face:

[ Actually - I wager she was very proud of you when you achieved entrance to “university” and had a genuine desire to see you succeed in life to a greater extent than she had done. ]

Who are you talking about? Are you also just as mentally sick ? When was it the las time you went to the mental hospital? Conspiracy theorists :roll_eyes: Thinking that AFP, Reuters and every other independent media lie in unison. Thinking we never went to the moon. [Removed due to forum policy violation]

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Clearly such a question never even crossed the mind of our self - appointed omniscient mentor !

Clearly not !

What a great disappointment to her - you have turned out to be ! - when the best you can do by way of demonstrating critical thinking skills is exemplified in your thought processes !

The poor woman has devoted her life to your upbringing, - changed your nappies, tended your cut fingers, taught you to look left and right before crossing the street to keep you safe. Cooked endless meals for you, to keep you alive and healthy. Wiped away your tears when you got beaten up at school. Told you that she believed in you and fostered your sellf-esteem when you finally got accepted into University, knowing that the finest resources of our country would be at your disposal to increase and evolve your thinking skills.

And I feel for her sadness when she sees what she has raised !

This evening my friend, I shall raise a glass to her perseverance and wasted efforts - Poor woman !

Please show her these posts - I’m sure she could do with the encouragement ! :slightly_smiling_face:

"Having Nothing and Being Unhappy - YouTube

Let’s cut off our own energy sources at the knees - to teach Vladimeer Putin a Lessson ! :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s an ignore feature here somewhere. :grinning:

On another note, how great is it for the gaming community to become one of the largest donors of Ukraine aide.

Close to $100 million to be donated.

The images coming out of Bucha are sickening and heart-breaking. Who knows what else is happening in other occupied places. :frowning:

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Yeah, I have no words, really? in the 21st century? Sources are now saying that Russia is worse than ISIS, essentially a terrorist state in possession of advanced technology and nuclear weapons. It’s terrifying. The world allowed Autocracies to rise unchecked and now is seeing the consequences.

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Well now we know why Bill Gates has been buying all the prime agricultural land he could get his hands on for the :slightly_smiling_face: last decade or so !

What is being done to innocent civillians is heart-breaking and infuriating. It’s almost unbearable to look at the news, but I make myself look.

Its awful.

Maybe unwisely I’ve got Tom Waits on.
“When I see the 5 o’clock news, I don’t wanna grow up…”

For the first time in my life, I am outraged at something that does not have something to do with me directly. Why is Russia targeting civilians at a train station fleeing? What have these civilians done to deserve this? It was unprovoked. If I had combat experience and training I would have gone and joined as a foreign volunteer soldier to fight for Ukraine I tell you. But I have no money or means to do much else .

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I saw photoes of the aftermath of that attack. The broken bodies. Horrific beyond measure. Those were just defenseless people.

Chilling depiction of Ukrainian buildings and civilian infrastructure targeted by Russia since the start of the war. It’s easy to see, that with the amount of shelling going on, there’s no way this isn’t what is being reported - indiscriminate shelling of everything.

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So much destruction, and for what? I don’t even understand what Russia actually wants, the alleged reasons they give seem to be changing from week to week.

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