Hello you very intelligent and amazing people, i do hope you are having a successful day and doing well.
I know that US stocks follow the S&P 500, which is a stock market index tracking the performance of 500 of the largest companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. I do note that when the index is positive most stocks seem to follow this same trend. I was wondering if anyone please has tried using this to trade stocks by analysing the S&P 500 please? For instance buying when the S&P hits an all time low, or a monthly low please? Further does anyone have any trading techniques to look at when analysing the S&P 500 please, such as timeframes, volume etc please? If anyone kindly has any thoughts on this it would mean the world to me and i would be forever grateful.
Sending you lots of good wishes and i very much hope you have massive success in your trading. Look after yourself and all the very best.