Same Old Story

R Carter
I am doing that on a M1 chart I have found this works best if the market is ranging when I look at a M15 or H1 chart. Also if H1 shows 2 or 3 candles the same color I will enter off the middle band as PA resumes moving with the trend. This works best if the middle band is sloping and relatively straight, not all curvy on its way along the trend. At night the market is a little slower and it seems less random on the short time frames.


Are you trading during the Asian session? If that’s the case, it’s a SOB to scalp that time of day! unless you have a [B]BIG BIG account![/B] And are you still trading EUR/JPY?



I completely agree! :slight_smile: Bollinger bouncing or ‘Boll bouncing’ for short is a good strat when PA is ranging on a level’ish bollinger band movement. Unfortunately you can’t always tell when the breakout of range will occur when focused on the 5m or 15m charts. :mad: Always a good idea to keep up a longer 1h and or 4h up just to keep an eye on the longer term directional movement when trading the shorter time frame charts.


  1. In my experience the most productive time to trade is around 07:00 - 10:00 GMT for a possible London breakout strat.

  2. London open - New York close.

  3. The Asian open - Overnight.

After London close until New York close PA slows down. After New York close… nothing happens! Well relatively in any event. After Asian open things pick up abit.

But just [B]a bit [/B]right? and hard to trade unless a pip is worth more than a few bucks, or pounds in your case!


Yep! Its usually 4 hours for 4 pips! I could earn more at Mc ‘D’. :D:D

Has anyone seen EUR/JPY spread lower than 1.2 during the Asian session? If so what broker?

Who gives that low I am paying 3 London/New York session.

I hope you keep this thread going I have been looking for one that about improving our trading and not just trade this way or you are wrong.

When I read your first post I thought you where talking about me :frowning:
That is exactly what I did opened a $100 min account and traded in down to $30.

Then I got well almost got my emotions under control, still working on it though.

FXCM micro I am so far very happy with them. I have no experience with any other broker and a live account.
I am usually a private person but I thought keeping an open record of my trades and posting my thoughts about my progress or lack thereof would help me as a trader. I think it has, if it helps anyone else great.


Who is trying to do that here in this forum with the exception of the odd hot shot…?

I get the impression that this is the crunch of the matter. Dealing with the emotional and psychological factor of trading is a developmental process.

In my expericience no one trader is the same. In my experience knowing oneself and being honest about it is the critical part when it comes to dealing with emotions.

Not trade this way or that way. That ain’t got nothing to do with it.

It’s like looking in the mirror and accept what you see instead of only accepting what you [B]wish[/B] to see.

We humans are very clever in that. Always trying to play tricks with ourselves. :smiley:

You are right about that as I said I am getting better but have a ways to good or maybe miles to go before I get there.

Thanks Tymen1

I have decided to take my money out of my account for now. I have some repairs I need to do to the truck I use for my day job. I have not tried a withdraw yet and am unsure of the time it will take so I decided to give it plenty of extra time. I have not closed my account but it will be a few weeks before I can put in any more capital.

I am happy with the progress I have made even though my trading has not been profitable I feel I am getting there. I have left my account with a very small amount of money in it and I haven’t decided if I should sit on it for a few weeks or try some really risky trades and see what happens. (I know what happens) Any suggestions.

Do [U]not [/U]do those risky trades. :eek:

[B]Sit on your money!![/B]

Do what you need to your truck.
That will keep you occupied for now and you will not have the proper time needed to devote to trades, let alone risky ones!!

The forex market will still be here when you get back!! :smiley:

When you have more money top up your account. :slight_smile:
Trading with a small amount requires a micro account or a larger account with plenty of funds to back up the inevitable drawdowns you will get in trading.

[B]Never trade large amounts with little capital - it invites magin calls[/B]. :eek:

I wanted to share one thing I have come to realize about trading over the last few weeks.

The market can only take the money your willing to let it have.
You only get to keep the money your willing to keep.

Lock in your profit!!!

That’s one of the things I’ve learned recently too. I started getting profitable when I started cutting my losses more and locking in profits. That’s a good lesson learned. move stops up to breakeven as soon as possible with in reason. Don’t want to get stopped out too soon of course.

Another good lesson learned is to wait for good set ups. Don’t trade just because you have the desire to, make sure there’s a good chart set up. I made that mistake lots of times and still get tempted.

Probably no one cares, but my withdraw worked fine. I use FXCM UK with a micro account. It was faster than I expected but it did cost a little more than I thought it would.

A withdraw is allot better than another blowout for a new guy like me:).

I haven’t tried to withdraw any, still a noob myself. but I opened my account with Oanda using paypal. I didn’t realize they would charge for the transfer in, I wonder if they charge for the transfer back out. I’ll have to find out about that, but have a small account so not too worried about it.

unrelated… but looking forward to May 5th

I wonder if anyone will get that :stuck_out_tongue: I crack myself up sometimes :smiley:


Hope to see you back when you’ve had time to fix your truck. :slight_smile: I know the feeling… been building an extension for… err… about 5 years now. Feel like Serpico building his house in the dessert at the weekends (old TV prog, now I’m really showing my age). :smiley:

think Mexican holiday, I think it’s celebrated here in the U.S. more so than in Mexico

Cinco de Mayo