Same Old Story

Quote from Shr1k: Exactly, and I catch a little every time it turns.

You can play all the games you want with me Shr1k, but the one game that you’re failing at miserably is how the market is playing you like a puppet, so you can catch the market every time it turns, ah, I wonder how long that will last. I’m not being a party poop, I’m just just being realistic here, but you seem to think it’s all one big game while the market surely doesn’t think so,
I hope you wake up soon.

What would you have me do Mayo367??

send me your contact information by mail and i will do the same, so that i can better explain.



not quite sure what’s behind that one, [B]mayo367[/B] :smiley:

This thread may contribute to other new guys in a few ways now.
My trading results will show one of two things. If lose money it will reinforce the wisdom and advice of successful traders like Phil838 and other longtime respected members of this forum. That is to have a very conservative trading plan on longer time frames. Good advice for sure!! If I am profitable it will show the importance of sticking to a plan( I already shared the results of not following the plan in the first post) and don’t be afraid to trade in a way that works for you.
The ongoing conversation shows that scammers really are a bad bunch praying on anyone that seems lost or confused. I believe we now have two attempts to draw me into a pitch in this thread.

I found these two post by Mayo367 I found these before I responded to him the first time.
the first is on BabyPips

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 8
I’ll gladly explain & help eliminate the confusion you’re having thecortez.
I don’t believe that what you’re requesting can simply be resolved by
someone answering your concerns with a few strokes of the keyboard &
a few clicks of the mouse and presto!!! contact me & feel free to explain
what you need help with.
Last edited by mayo367; 09-04-2009 at 12:25 PM. Reason: grammar error

The second on FF

Did you receive my message that I sent you by e-mail pasopvirpot? I’ll gladly explain & help eliminate the confusion you’re having. I don’t believe that what you’re requesting can simply be resolved by someone answering your concerns with a few strokes of the keyboard & a few clicks of the mouse and presto!!!
Last edited by mayo367, Sep 3, 2009 1:19pm Reason: grammar error

Now he wants my email

send me your contact information by mail and i will do the same, so that i can better explain.

I found some more stuff to but I think you see the pattern. I don’t know what he is selling or if he is selling anything but it sure does raise my suspicion.


I could be gullible :slight_smile: but these guys may be for real just trying to help out on a more personal level?

[B]Tip:[/B] Look to the number of posts they have on Babypips. If well into the 100’s I would advise you accept! Chances are they are not newbies and their advise will at the very least be well intended. Some on this site are pro traders… if you’re lucky enough to come across one and they are willing… well, need I say more! :smiley:

In this case both of the people had few post and just joined the forum.
I know their are experienced people around here. I am just saying watch out for people that want to get you to buy something.

Do you mean open a trade when/if the second candle change color in your favour ?



What I am saying is if your preferred method of trading is [B]Scalping[/B] (perhaps the most difficult trading to master) you might do well to look to the 2 std dev bollinger (20 period) on the 5m and 15m charts.

When PA steps outside of the upper or lower bollinger band and clearly wicks. Wait for that particular candle to close and enter a trade towards the center line bollinger on the next candle colour change. If your trading as a scalper, its a high probability trade. :slight_smile:

Put up a 5m and 15m with the above bollinger settings and see for yourself.

Quote from Shr1k: The ongoing conversation shows that scammers really are a bad bunch praying on anyone that seems lost or confused. I believe we now have two attempts to draw me into a pitch in this thread.

Ah, so now you’'ll be on your best behavior after the market has beaten you up a little I see, from a scalper to a very conservative trader in literally hours, well at least you’re admitting your deficiencies, so i suppose you finally did wake up from your delusional dream.

The fact that i wish to communicate with you in private does not insinuate that I’m a scammer or one who has bad intentions as you and cas claim, however, R Carter is more reasoned in his approach, admitting that i could be of great value but tending to side more with the argument that this guy is like so many that only have bad intentions, well that is incorrect R Carter, nice try try though, a round of applause for mr R Carter, he deserves it, don’t you think? ah, but not just any applause, but a hearty one.

If you have anything of great value to share please share it with all of us.

thank you for your answer Carter, but actually I can’ t understand what you mean by “next candle change colour”

I’m so curious cause I’ve known a trader who use the same method but enter at the break of the candle.



Maybe you could send me your email address and we could discuss this ‘one to one’ :D:D:D

Ok… If say price is going north. Wait until the candle that pierces the upper bollinger band wicks (indicating overbought). Wait until this candle closes (a new candle appears on whatever time chart your working). Now wait for this candle to change colour (standard set up, green long red short) but whatever colour your short candle colour is. The short candle is the trigger to go short i.e. towards the center line bollinger. High probability trade for a scalper. :slight_smile:

Perfect… thank you!!


Guys (and Gals ) tone it down so we don’t get locked.
I am going to post some more of my trade results in a few hours once the kids are in bed. So back to resolving my issues with the market.
I am restraining a belt of sarcasm that would probably fire every one up but I will hold it in (maybe) :slight_smile:

My results for the week
sun -2%
Mon did not trade
Tues -2%
Wends -2%
Thurs breakeven

At first glance that looks discouraging but I am not discouraged yet. I have allot of data to look at, about 100 trades last week. I have been very consistent with my trading over the past few weeks. I bet when I trade my broker thinks someone is running a poorly programed EA.
my win/loss ratio is around 60%
my win probability is also around 60%
Some might say give it up but all I have to do is get those numbers up to 65% according to this simulator.(I cant link)"dot"html

That means better entries and cut losses sooner, this is what I will be concentrating on next week. I have complete control over my losses so I can cut them down. I am not sure what that will do to my win probability, how many of my wins went far negative(far is relative I only mean a few pips negative) before moving profit. I will see.
I have kept at my 2% daily loss figure but I have reduced lot size to allow for 2 hard stoploss hits before I stop trading. After last week I think until I get some more of this worked out I should cut all my rule numbers in half to protect capital. Also I will have to lock in my daily profits some how. I was in good profit on Tues and Thurs.
If I increase my lot size as I explained in the first few post I can have dramatic gains and quickly drop down to my daily loss limit. I think a new rule will be something like once 1% profit is reached daily loss limit becomes breakeven, once 2% profit is reached move the daily loss limit to 1%, from that point increase lot size. I haven’t tried that but if I was doing that I think I would have had a much better week.
On Monday I read the e-book [U]Emotion Free Trading[/U] I found it from a link in one of SweetPips post. Maybe Some one that can post links could post it here. It is a very good read. I recommend it.

Since I couldn’t find any better candle stick wielding ninjas I went with my favorite Richard Dean Anderson character Jack O’Neill. Maybe he will help keep the sales people away from me for a while any way:).


May I respectfully suggest you might be over trading. Even on the 5m chart there are perhaps no more than 5 good trades a day. On the 4 hour chart perhaps 3-4 a week. To be making around 100 trades a week seems a little on the high side? :slight_smile: Unless of course you are trading multiple currency crosses simultaneously. If so watch that your total combined lot size doesn’t exceed 1% of your total balance.

Great to have you here, of course. :slight_smile:

Your experience is similar to that of [B]Rhodytrader[/B].

One day, if they ever come back, you can rub shoulders with Tess and Jocelyn, both institutional traders with a great deal of experience. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have been trying to find a definition for over trading, all I can find are lists of bad trading habits that eat away at equity. I am trading allot. I am not revenge trading, I am not trading outside my plan( it is a very lose plan at the moment) I am starting to see some market conditions that consistently shoot me down. I will soon have some specific don’t trade conditions. Related to very low price ranges and strong short term trends.

Right now I don’t think I am over trading I am developing a set of rules. I read that was a common excuse for over trading;). In this case at least its true. Thank you and respectfully or not I welcome all advice. I may not take it though.

I am really starting to think the key to this sort of strategy is protecting my gains.
I will do this in 3 ways

Limit loss on each trade

Adjust the points when I up my lot size at the same time adjusting my daily loss limit up

Enter trades with a higher probability of winning

The first two are easy. The last one I don’t have much of a plan for yet, Other than don’t trade when the market is in the conditions I mentioned above. I will concentrate on step one and two right now and see how next week goes.

Don’t worry about me I am not buying any thing;) I can’t afford to the way I trade. I hope this thread stays civil enough to stay open. As it is a good example to other newbies of what to watch out for.


Well I wish you well on whatever strat you eventually decide on. Personally I run with a longer trade on the 4 hour chart and scalp 10 - 30 pips on the 5m or 15m chart from time to time.

With reference to your third point “enter trades with a higher probability of winning”. Can I suggest a possible entry on the following conditions. If you bring up a std 2 dev bollinger band (20 period) you will notice that price will cut through the upper or lower band and wick on the same candle. On the close of this first candle, the second candle will change colour (often after also wicking). This is much more often than not a good entry to trade back towards the center line of the bollinger. On the 5m chart it should be good for 10-15 pips. On the 15m chart its usually good for 20 plus pips.

The above is not a strat in itself but can be reliably traded. In conjunction with a strat its very profitable. :slight_smile: