Save your hard earned money and becareful

Hi to all the public, would like to warn you all about this unscrupulous act from this forex school Phoenix trader (Tradewitheboy) that are advertising in facebook and some other social media platforms. Kelvin Han who is from phoenix trader cheated a lot of people money without having the right license for fund management and lost all their money which one of my family member is the victim, that’s why I am here to advise the public… Recently he was sued in court for losing people money and do not have the valid license to fund manage people’s money… Please becareful as not to believe in them and go into their forex courses as you will be throwing away all your hard earned money…

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I know someone that has a similar business as well. He’s not from the US, and he definitely doesn’t have a license to manage people’s funds, but he’s a smooth talker that’s for sure. The last time I checked he was still working with clients, but we’ll see how long that lasts. It’s unfortunate because he’s an excellent forex trader, but i didn’t like how he was handling his business so I had to get away

So where does he base in?

He’s originally from South Africa. There are a ton of fx traders there. But he’s here in Maryland currently doing business

Jailed for acting as fund manager without licence

By Khushwant Singh

ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Han could not repay the $718,000 he lost and was declared a bankrupt on Jan 19 last year. Even after that, he got involved in three firms. For this, he was jailed for another month.

TRAINING firm Zone Financial was set up to teach people how to trade futures contracts and indexes.

But it acted as a fund manager between May 2004 and August 2006, collecting nearly $4 million as personal loans from 32 people.

Its managing director, Kelvin Han How Yong, 28, was yesterday jailed for five months after pleading guilty to allowing the firm to engage in fund management without a capital markets services licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Han would persuade participants at his training sessions to invest in a fund - called Kelvin’s Fund - for periods ranging from a few weeks to six months.

The money was used to trade futures contracts and indexes and he promised his clients returns of 1 per cent to 5 per cent per month, depending on the amount they put in.

By the time he resigned as managing director in August 2006, he had lost about $718,000.

Two months later, the Commercial Affairs Department began investigations after several people reported to the police that Han had cheated them into investing various sums of money.

Han could not repay the money lost and was declared a bankrupt on Jan 19 last year.

He has yet to make any restitution of the $718,000 he lost while the remainder of the sum invested has been returned to the investors.

Even as a bankrupt, Han was not done yet. Although bankrupts are not allowed to engage in the management of companies without the permission of the court or the Official Assignee, Han got involved in three firms almost immediately. For this, he was jailed for another month.

The court heard that Han had asked his father, Mr Han Koon Siong, to set up event management firm Cronwell in November 2006 with a paid-up capital of $1. Between January and August last year, he took charge of the firm and managed it.

Two other charges of acting as a director of AOL Capital and Rimson Investments last year were considered by the judge when deciding on the sentence.

Zone Financial was also fined $20,000 for offering fund management services without the appropriate licence. The firm has since become inactive.

my friend got conned too in Jakarta! this guy is a serious conman, looked fat and charming, try to climb up the social ladder in Jakarta but has no money, rather pretend to be splendid spending his students money. In Singapore live in HDB flats with parents, in Jakarta lives in dormitory… but spending on Karaoke like BIG BOYS! claimed himself to be the greatest trader. In SG also sued by many, in Jakarta also sued,the problems are his investors are not united, poor investors.

This Kelvin Han How yong has never stopped, in Jakarta he also conned his students and gather more than $1million. Not bad for a sweet talker, pretending to be cashed up trading all his students money and lost them all as he claimes, who knew! Now he ran away back to Singapore and still teaching v3go whatever they call it with his new company. its funny how a bankrupt can run free stealing people’s money in Singapore still. What bankrupt can trade and not getting the ideas he will lost your money? Hopefully he is jailed for the second times!

he goes around Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia to scam people money. He scam Indonesian money and run back to Singapore. Now he don’t dare to come to Indonesia. He run away with all the students money,

seems like this jailbird never repent. one scam after another, scam one country after another. tons of real charges and jail terms flooding the internet of his offences and crimes but seems like KELVIN HAN HOW YONG aka tradewitheboys aka ThePhoenix aka PGL Oriental Holdings Pte Ltd never stop scamming people money.

By the way, Kelvin Han aka Kel will always change his marketing names from time to time because once the name is smelly already, he will change a new name but the system is still the same, in short, repackage the name but still selling rotten eggs la. Do a search online, you will find that he changed the system so many times, from V3GO to UBERKEL to ThePhoenix System to PSV3, I wonder what will come next

Seriously, go google and you will realize this scammer, KELVIN HAN is a super TUA KANG scumbag. After charged for soliciting money and jailed, even declared bankrupt, the way he talk like ya ya papaya kind. OMG, the claims by him is nothing but sibei TUA KANG. He claimed he can HELP you make US$100,000 every month with US$3000 capital using his system hor! But the thing is his system seems like not helping him leh! if so powerful, why he LOST all the money and go to jail har? why declared bankrupt har?

If his system is so powerful, why don’t he borrow money from the Bank or even legal money lender and help himself to make US$100,000 every month. Why is he not making the US$100,000 every month?? If he is making that kind of money and his system so powerful, he will “hoot” US$1 million from the Bank and trade to make another US$1 million BUT why he not doing that har? rather he needs to lelong lelong his courses and solicit money from students? that is because he needs the course fees from students to survive; solicit money from students so that when all the money is lost in trading, he pat pat and run, then declared bankrupt and go free “chalet” squat a few months, then come out and scam again.

his scamming phoenix won’t die de, he told everyone that phoenix self destroy then reborn again and repeat. But victims, ask yourself how many hours you have to work, sweat and blood to earn that money…

this is the 2nd offence committed by Kelvin Han How Yong

On 23 November 2016, Kelvin Han How Yong (Han) was charged in court for carrying on a business in fund management without a Capital Markets Services licence under Section 82 of the Securities and Futures Act.

It is alleged that from October 2011 to May 2015, Han had been involved in the management of V3GO Investment Pte Ltd, a company which offered courses in forex trading and investment techniques. He is further alleged to have engaged in financial investments for his students when he did not possess the necessary licence to do so.

Being an undischarged bankrupt, Han had to seek permission from the Official Assignee to manage the business, which he allegedly did not. Another charge under Section 148 of the Companies Act was transferred against him for managing V3GO Investment Pte Ltd as an undischarged bankrupt.

source: Commercial Affairs Department Annual Report 2016

If his system is so good, why not just trade for a living? its easier isnt it? saw his FB like working like a dog & got selfie saying last train home…aiyoh so pathetic meh? very contradicting, im sure those who are trading successfully wouldnt wanna slave like a dog, at least able to afford a Grab home right?

he needs to take MRT leh because his jailbird system cannot work one la. If can work, this scammer, Kelvin Han don’t need to go jail for soliciting and losing money liao la. he tried 2 times from soliciting money from students and 2 times also lose all the money, you say la this kind of LJ system, he deserves to take MRT for the rest of his dog’s life. even a dog’s life is better than this scammer, Kelvin Han because dogs are not allowed in the MRT, dogs takes private cars. :joy:

i found the article on Kelvin Han How Yong, enjoy!

Be careful of Phoenix system, tradewitheboys

exactly… if his formulae for using money to make money works… he won’t be working already… still need to teach EVERYDAY…

Found an email from Kelvin Han to his victims & a whole lot of discussion among the victims.