Scalping is all I do. I tried a lot of different systems, mentioned here in Bbips.
After every try I ended up on my scalping again, 1 minute mainly 5 minute second.
Over a year now I successfully scalp 95% of the time and try in between new systems from this forum but always returned to my scalping.
Screentime required. That’s why I try in between the longer time-frames but always fail on it.
I use Oanda for many years now, unfortunately they have now problems with there server since about 2 month, many times (not always) when news-times comes around there server crashes intermittend as soon as the volume gets really high and then of course your trade goes “blind” from your end, not very good for scalping.
You have to be able to click when YOU want to click.
After about 20 minutes, after the “news-dust” settled, the connection is on for all day without a problem.
Since I like to trade the “backside” of the initial spike as a counter-trend I can’t, because the Java console from Oanda is gone and only back intermittent.
I also know it is Oanda because as soon as it happened the first time around I made trades on the demo from IBFX at the time Oanda was gone without a problem. Therefore not my ISP.
I opened ~3 weeks ago a additional new live account with a MT4 broker and so far I can trade now the news-time again.
Unfortunately the spread is not as good as on Oanda. So I still test this part before I ditch Oanda.
As far as the system:
Oanda Black background 1minute and 5 minute charts open.
95 percent of the time I trade the EUR/USD only
sometimes the AUD/USD, same setup for both of them, but I believe it works on all charts, yet I also believe learn and watch and apply only 1 or 2 pairs and get them to know well instead of jumping all over the place (pairs).
At least that works for me, master 1 or 2, then being a (jack of all trades).
1 Standard Bollinger Band 20 (Period) 2 (deviations) color white
1 Bollinger Band 10 (period) 1 (deviations) color yellow
EMA 50 Pink. That’s a Moving Average 50 exponential.
That’s it.
Long Trade:
whenever the candle goes above the upper yellow 10 1
and is above the EMA 50
and on the 5 minute chart the candles are between mid BB and upper BB on the 20 2,
I trade in that direction.
Short Trade:
Same in reverse, meaning:
whenever the candle goes below the lower yellow 10 1
and is below the EMA 50
and on the 5 minute chart the candles are between mid BB and lower BB on the 20 2, I trade in that direction.
If the candles are hovering around the EMA 50, I wait till they move above/ below the EMA.
On the beginning (over a year ago) I had a EMA 8 on the chart too. It made it easier to see when the candles are just zig zagging over the EMA 50 since the EMA 8 stays very close to the candles.
Same I do in MT4 except I use blue for the BB’s, Yellow EMA50 on light background.
Pictures attached, in case anybody want’s to try.
Best times to do:
London Open 3 AM until ~9AM EST, sometimes quick between 10:15 till 11:45 AM EST time. There is a time problem after 9 AM for a while, trade is going sideways, if you want to trade then you have to expect 1~3 pips only, you have to be on the close clicker fast.
Second best from 7 PM EST till ~9 PM EST, after that… I watch a little TV and go to bed, only reason why till 9 PM, after all I get up at ~3 AM EST again.
As for now, it’s Christmas Time more patience needed.
Pips: from 10 up, respective watch and let it ride, latest jump out (close trade) whenever it reaches the opposite yellow (10 1) upper/lower BBand.
Stop Loss: 10 pips fixed (emergency SL always on), I close a bad start with ~5 pip loss, because it meant the trade did not start right-away in the direction you taught it goes. Keeps the losses minimized and 10 pip in case the platform goes out:eek:
As a suggested setup on the MT4 platform you can also use the attached zip file, in there is the
BBand stop with alert, it is the same as the 10 1 BB on Oanda in yellow, but has red and blue start arrows.
iSession GMT I use as background color can be modified to any other platform time as needed and Blur’s Price&Time.
Additionally needs the 20 1 BB and the EMA 50.
The system needs experience, you will only get trading every day on a live account, screen-time and patience needed too.
Live account (even it is only 10 cents) because of psychology.
Demo is good if you never traded or need to learn a new platform 1 month max, then it’s time to move on and loose money (you will) but the reward will come too, I know.
If the post is to long, just skipped and read the next one.
Merry Christmas to all and may the trading force be with you. (3.96 KB)