Scalping strategy to finish the year strong

I just found this on the countertrend strategy, I don’t know if it helps anyone?

Counter Trend Trading Tactics That Work.pdf (139.1 KB)

It was from this Counter Trend Trading Tactics That Work - Forex Training Group

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There were a couple of things there I agree with. For one, I agree there should be a stop loss. For me, it is for catastrophic events only. Such as, I have a stroke, the house is burning down, power or internet goes out.

Two: Avoid counter trend setups during parabolic style price moves – Anytime the price action is behaving in an abnormal manner, particularly during strong uptrends or strong downtrends that resemble one-way price action or price moves, it’s best not to engage in any type of countertrend trades."

I also like that the author refers to people like me as: “extremely disciplined”(Developing Trading Discipline Thru Positive Habits - Forex Training Group).

The rest I did not agree with. But its still wise to look at what experienced traders have to say,

Since I seem to be contrarian, of course I disagree with everybody :grinning:

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I am trying to accommodate both the counter and the trend in a simple chart. There is a EMA cross indicator that I set for 9 and 200 so that I will get an arrow generated if the emas cross and I will know I should be looking at trend and not counter trend entries.

This is going to work for me.

Is anyone still trading the original crossover strategy from this thread?

I have been testing but not getting anywhere. Wondered if I missed some tips along the way. I am reading the whole thread but not made it through yet.

There is chat of near 80% win rate but I don’t see that happening.

What is stronger the slow crossover into the channel or the fast crossover through?

First 2 wins:

Usd/Jpy buy and Nzd/Usd buy




Usd/Jpy buy

How did you handle the USDJPY given the 9ema crossed the 200ema? Did you get onto the countertrend trade?

I did the counter trend. I’m using 5M charts and the cross happened a while back on that one.

I keep trying the 1M charts but I feel safer on 5M for now.

Looks like a PSAR change to the upside could happen here. Maybe take price back to the 200 on 5M?

Just out of interest, what is your timing of entry using KOF?


I’m looking for a big candle taking price away from ema 9 and waiting for Buyer vs Seller volume to be close to 0/0. If price continues against me, I make the next entry when Buyer vs Seller volume returns to 0/0.


That is just my own way of doing it. It isn’t really part of the KOF strategy.

Could you share the buyer/seller vol indi?

TicksSeparateVolume.ex4 (14.6 KB)

If you want the 20 ema applied to the volume, just open your Navigator and drag the moving average down to the volume window. You will get a popup and select “Apply to previous indicator”

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Gbp/Usd buy.

Another good morning of trading.

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Setups for sells, like this one, still scare me. I’m missing out on them until I get more comfortable with selling during an upswing like that.

I like it :rofl:



Its the best setup on any chart I have open. I should have joined you.

My bad.

Setup on EURGBP coming…


Thanks T.

I’m out for the day but it brings me joy seeing you doing so well trading!