Scalping strategy to finish the year strong

The major pairs during London and New York and Sydney generally have spreads of 1 or 2 pips. During the final hours of NY (3-6pm Eastern USA) can have high spreads.

I finished the day with a modest 30 pips profit on 7 trades. No losers.

I was working today, so as usual, I had to work in entering and exiting trades between stops. Which is why scalping is difficult on workdays.

Thanks man, youā€™re the best.

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Hello everyone I am new but I would like to know about the scalping strategy there is not a code to put all that on the chart because I am a little lost should I do like you and download mt4 or TradingView can also do it donā€™t you have a forum that summarizes the new updates?

I agree, I am also desperate to get all the indicators in one place and an overview of the exact current strategy, itā€™s impossible to figure it out between all the billions of messages in this thread.

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A little morning scalping again before work.

You are very welcome!

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Iā€™m sorry that I am not familiar enough with TradingView to know if it can be set up the same.

I know there is no Cap Channel or TickSeparateVolume.

But if you find something similar, such as an ATR or Envelopes, and a buyers/sellers volume indicator - you should be ok.

Sorry about that.
Many strategies have been discusses after a long time of only discussing the original strategy. Of course, now that Iā€™ve been using the strategy for going on 2 years, I have refined it more to my liking.

But there is a post I made yesterday here that has the strategy indicator list. Scroll up to it and ask any questions you want. I do have busy days today -Friday, but Iā€™ll try to answer them soon.

Hereā€™s the post I was referring to"

I had to add another little win to make the morning profit at least $100.

Off to work now. Happy trading everyone!

Hello, I saw your post and I was interested in looking more into your strategy but from what Iā€™ve seen there more than three thousand comments and you have made some changes in the settings to some of them. Would you mind if you shared any important stuff I need to know about your strategy? (How it works, settings, generally anything important).

Thank you for your time.

Please review my post from yesterday. There is both the strategy and information on the volume indicator that are important.

I am driving right now for work so thatā€™s probably the fastest way to get to the information to you.

Thank you for your post and I hope you find the information helpful. I am to the point where I donā€™t even understand how people lose in forex anymore.


By the way, all the indicators i use are free.


So you advise us to use a computer and download MetaTrader 4 and follow your instructions? But in the news feeds we see that each time you change parameters, it wonā€™t affect our performance?

I advise people to set up a system similar to mine because I have had good success with it. I personally trade both on my computer and on my phone. I prefer using the computer for the volume indicator that Iā€™m able to have on it. There can be workarounds to any issue though. Tradingview may have something similar to The tickseparatevolume.

The beauty of the forum is that we can each tweak the system to fit our own trading style. If someone finds a way to make it better, or finds a way to adapt it to trading view, they can share it with us here.

I always say, most trading systems work. But we just have to master them. Mastering them involves many things. It means getting familiar with the scheduled economic impact news and when it comes out. It Involves learning where best to put our stop loss if weā€™re going to use one. It Involves getting used to interpreting the volume.

Maybe you are already an experienced trader and know all that. But just know that if you are not yet, keep at it and there is no reason you canā€™t dominate 80% of the other traders.

Above all, remember that Iā€™m just a trader like you. Not a guru. Far from being a top trader anywhere. But if I need to make $100 today or $200 or $300. I can usually do that. Itā€™s only me that is stopping me from making much more than that.

While a losing a trade is a rare thing. I absolutely hate it when it happens. I canā€™t stand it. It puts me in a bad mood all day. So after my initial 2 years of losing money, I never want to go back to making a mistake that gives me a big drawdown. So Iā€™m still cautious and trade with smaller lot sizes than I could.

Oh. I got so distracted while driving that I didnā€™t really answer the rest of your question. Sorry.

As for the settings on the indicators. You noticed that I have changed mine over time and even changed indicators all together.

Yes, there is no reason why you canā€™t choose settings that fit your style better. Whatever settings you choose, just look at how they would have done over several hours or days on the chart.

I tweak my strategies all the time. Itā€™s fun.

Been stuck in a really long trade, with a bad position that finally starting to come around some. I have been scaling out at loss on a couple trades, but now Iā€™m more manageable. I did have 5 or 6 smaller short trade winners mixed in with a couple larger losers.

April was just a bad month for me.

140+ pips on USDJPY longs in the last week, so thatā€™s been nice!

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