Scalping vs. Picking

I myself have never heard of picking, however considering it is being compared to scalping one would assume it is the polar opposite, or the holding of positions over an extended period of time. scalping is when you close your position that the lotsize is big and in small pips i.g 1 ~ 3 pips

picking? i think it is not to different system with scalping. Could anyone explain what sclping and picking are?

Thanks in anticipation.

All you need to know is that scalping with a retail market maker broker equals certain loss. Move on, friend. :slight_smile:

that is in no way an answer to any questions he asked.

mumuy, my friend, all you need to know is that fast food is not healthy from certain restaurants. move on, my friend, and cook yourself.

troll much, boy?!

not trolling at all … i just wonder why you answer to stuff that is not asked …

go on , i guess u need a good post-count