School isnt neccesary

So your point starting these thread is…??? You found the “Holy Grail” and would to share it to us? Bless your heart if it is… too kind :slight_smile:

I wish I could share it with you guys. Its not entirely mine and we are still further improving it. Plus it’s simple but hard to explain. I have tried sharing it with a few people in person but even they don’t fully understand the concept. It’s still a work in progress. 3 months of perfect results still are not enough to seek out private investors. The point of this threads is to share that math is what can beat the market not fundamentals

Could you post some of the math. I like math tho if its more complicated then calculus idk what I’ll do lol.

I do not have the papers to post them. My math was too safe so my friend recalculated all the position sizes and figured out how much each trade would lose if I had trades in all the way down 2000 pips in 10 pip intervals. The goal is not to get margin called. Plus you have to add how much is invested in each trade up plus the loss per trade for the total amount of money in/lost in the market if the market where to drop 2k pips. It’s simple but if the market goes down we wait to put in orders. Then once it starts to turn around we put in new orders and the market triggers them as it hits the determined prices etc.

Yeah, I traded that way, oh pain, painful pain…

Perfect traders weren’t forbiden???

In order to be an accountant, wasn’t it necessary for the accountant to go to school…:22:

Sure there are some that have a natural talent for something…but even they attend “the school of hard knocks”! :wink:

And who said going to school means you’re going to use indicators?

You can connect your oanda account to myfxbook…

Haha. Haters. Actually I’m down less than 2$ and have made close to 20$ thus far. Hate all you want but math is the trick to the system. It takes a mathematician to agree with what I have come up with. Ignorance creates fools. I don’t close trades. Rather I can afford to hold onto my trades indefinitely because of the miniscule amount I’m risking. Who’s the fool now? The guy risking 200$ out of a 3000 dollar account just cuz he can? Or the guy that’s risking 45$ of his $3000 account spread out through the market with guaranteed return?

Oh and by the way my friend has no college education, and is no accountant. I just refer to him as one. You wouldn’t be able to understand the magnitude of the system even if I fully explained it to you, I can just tell you are ray type of guy. I’m not trying to talk myself up. You are reading me wrong. I’m simply stating school did **** for me. Absolutely none of school got me where I am. It doesn’t take a mathematician to agree 17% a year is pretty damn rewarding especially when you don’t lose a damn penny. If there was someone out the that could read between the lines and figure out how I did it, I would hire there ass and make them rich because they would understand I’m not ****ing around. This is real ****, real life, no games, no fabrications. Perfection is possible. If you don’t want to believe, then you my friend will never succeed at achieving it. Period.

When does the sale begin cuz it sounds like you are not ready to share. And did you learn the math at home?

it is just a Grid System… the enthusiasm comes from a newbie trader :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as the math goes, it’s simple addition and multiplication. Nothing special. Very simple, it takes time to calculate 150 trades though. As far as sale? It’s all on my friend. He developed it, I helped with some of the risk management aspect, but otherwise, it’s all him. I don’t think it’s fair to sell a system no matter how successful without a years worth of hard data/track record. If your a trustworthy guy, add me as a friend and by the end of the year I can get back with you with a potential job opportunity. Sound fair? Forex is just an extra way to make money, it should never be a means of income unless you can survive without it.

Yunny, it’s not just a grid system, I think you fail to understand that market anylisis still takes place. Just because I can afford to have 200 trades in every 10 pips and can still cover the market beyond 2k pips, doesn’t mean I have all 200 trades in. The market still had to prove it’s willing to put out before I invest full heartidly into it. Regardless, name a month when your cleared 258 trades without incurring a single loss.

Sounds like you hit the “holy grail.” Don’t get so overly excited. Can be beginners luck!
As of the school part, it is not for everyone. Education is free. That is what is so great about USA and the internet. Easily accessible if you know where to look. School is not meant for education. You should all know that by now. For those who don’t want to go to school or half ass their work don’t belong there. School is for [I][U]networking[/U][/I].

I honestly have not used any of my qualitative, analytic, algebraic, calculus math to do anything. I know a fellow who works for the “big guys” and he even says math is not an integral part. Math is used about making prediction(s). But the market is so unpredictable you can’t depend on math to guesstimate whether it goes up or down.

The number of losers you leave open will accumulate over time since you won’t close them while opening new ones. Have you accounted for this? Suppose we have an extensive bear-run on the EURUSD for the next five years and the majority of your longs lose, can you wait 5+ years for price to recover and close at breakeven? Don’t think it won’t happen. A simple backtest will show you losing trades that can go on for years. Have you also considered the opportunity cost of tying up dollars in losing trades? It doesn’t matter if you’re risking a miniscule amount, $1 can compound just the same as $1m.

Wouldn’t go so far as to use the word haters…more like doubters…but I know when someone feels ganged up on they lash out :wink:

Not knowing what your system is besides not using stop losses, here’s a thread that it kinda reminds me of…in the end, it failed… 301 Moved Permanently …just don’t get too many too high ( or too low).

I skimmed through maybe like a few pages on the school because I was taught way before all the basics via the person who got me interested in forex so in my case it sounded redundant as well I sort of agree with you because the school of trading can only teach you about current conditions and those that have come to pass.

Its kind of funny because some guy named Newbietoforex or something thought when I said you should check out the school he immediately had the dumb assumption I meant you know go to Harvard or something. His response was I DUN WUNT NO BOOK LERNIN I JUZ WUNT SUM BODY TU TELL MEE WUT TU DUU

Stage 1: Denial

Wait for the Stage 2, that is when real fun begins, oh yeah!!!

Leg0nd either your "spirited euphemism " is something im not in touch with or your so married with your no s/l position system that you feel margin calls are something that can never happen to you.

Despite what people say on here I know a guy from my work has a position interest system, he gets paid via the swap however he is always in lots of losing positions but always net up.

I would imagine your mainly just trolling because everyone here WILL treat it like a court case its not about what you can claim but what you can prove.

Here is my 9 Billion Dollar Cheque.

I walked into the bank about a loan. Hold no its not what you think, I didn’t need the loan, the bank did.

Either way I smell troll post.

Also forgot to add I understand not wanting to go to prestigious schools to learn nothing related I can relate highly. However even the dogs at the top lose however a large difference is they don’t parade around how good they are a lot of them are quiet about it or their modest. I guess that’s a large separator for the wannabee’s and the realists. Of course if you say its soooo good why are you still refining it? You ever hear the saying if it ain’t broken don’t fix it?

I am aware of such strategies with high success rate, usually it involves large stops to allow the market to range. The strategy is based on a unqiue physics law that has been adopted by the market, “everything that goes up must come down and everything that goes down must comes up.” It may work for quite sometime unitl it stops working. From experience, if you have been been using the strategy in less than 6 years there will be a day where it will crush down on you. I wish the best of luck my friend but do remember my words

A lot of them are loose martingale systems but there was one I encountered that was an averaging down pyramid and if you’ve never learned why Richard failed so hard and so fast when things changed I suggest you find out why he stopped trading.