School isnt neccesary

I think the same.

It is valid though if you do carry trade or dividends trading but you still can be busted. I did carry trade once and and thought it could only go up and a flooding in Australia wiped out my account.

The problem with carries or divs, that I find, is the time variant, how long are you going to let this run in negative profit or in profit until you realize it or the divs pay for the stock so its essentially a free trade

Precisely, I know dividends trading is something more than buy and hold, even Warren Buffett cuts his loses.

Agree…, grids, martingales and alikes can be very profitable systems… but if you don’t use a [B]Stop Loss[/B] your account at some point in the future will be wipe out, it can take a day, a week, a year or few years… but you will be hit with a black swan event…

Yes I have accounted for worst case scenario. It’s about how much if the market you can cover, not how much you make per trade.

The reason I say the system needs refining is because at some point, I want to be able to cover the market all the way down to zero. Also, I don’t withdrawal any funds from my account, rather I add 2k a month and am letting it grow. As the profit goes up per month my goal is to only touch a max of 10% of it (but thats in at least a year). As I put in more I adjust it so I can cover more and more pips. Sound smart? Seriously. Check your charts. When was the last time the euro when down to 1.09? I already mentioned I can cover it down this far right now. In a month or two i will be able to cover it down to 1.00 so on and so forth.

That is easy to achive… trade without leverage.

The market has more than you and you expect to cover it in case it gos to zero? You dam idiot while it goes up and down while in negative you are losing the oportunities to win those ups and downs, also while still open you are charged with swaps, have you consedered that? Maybe you can close at 5 pips win but the swaps can be more than that, have you ever considered that? One last thing: do you know than you are not buying nor selling anything? just a derivative based on two currencies matched one agains the other. You cannot use your lots as a form of payment as you can do with stocks.

Lol to see you get so pissed off makes me laugh. So do you not understand I have trades in every single 10 pips all the way down 1.09? what part of the market am I missing agian? I’m making usually 100 pips a day even if the market only made a 30 pip gain.

Dude out of over 100k units I’m risking 200 units per trade. Holy **** I’ma get margin called, call the margin police. you don’t seem to understand i have very little at risk with constant return. Always I have return never have I not cleared a single trade in a day.

I never used the BP school, or any other training guide for the that matter. As already mentioned, learning the hard way is the way I went, taking the financial knocks. You soon realise your mistakes when they actually cost your real money. In hindsight I would say this is the best way, but hindsight can be a wonderful phrase in trading.

Well if he did that would he not be doing essentially the opposite of my thread lol. Banker is correct I only short the AU but it does put me on the wrong side of the swap. To me it is a small price to pay as I am not in a trade 24/7. But when I am in a trade for an extended amount of time the swap can add up

And RBA is cutting rates more and more. There was a time when NZB use to have 16% rate.

I am not pissed off, just making belive you so. I am just trying to aid other newbies from this precise atittude wich only leads to disaster. I must countervent your posts because I am a preacher of safe and resposabile trading. I am compelled to eliminate brokers swindling wich I foolish felt into once, just like the nigerian letters we give a word to our friends about the danger. Precisely that way I’ve lost my money, the way you claim to trade. I opened a demo and without much experience the broer called me asking me to open an acc and then they were so insisting that i’ve finally surrendered and opened an account without real knoledge of the market. After losing everything I did some carry trade and I was just like you, made tons of $$$$$$$$ must I admit but ultimately lost everything with an aussie downturn.

[I][B]Be Humble with the Market or Market will humble you,[/B][/I] they say. You know in spanish that famous phrase has a different meaning, we have a word for humble but not the verb to humble and so it sounds like “will humiliate you” wich I think is more accurate.

I don’t know the full details of your system, but assuming you’ve run through all possible contingencies, I wish you good luck. :slight_smile:

Guys… IT IS JUST A [B]GRID[/B], no holy grail… this system has been tested (as described by leg0nd) and it will wipe out your account (leveraged) eventually… just like a Martingale but at slower pace…

What is a GRID, sorry, never heard of that.

Hello peps,

Let the guy go his way. We have our own way of doing things. It’s not your money, it’s his money, well unless he starts to sell his system to other traders that’s another story. For now, let him do his thing. Each to their own.

I tried too arguing i was doing fundamentals, instead i was risking 50 pips to make just 20

There are no blind money management systems that can create an edge in trading. This type of system changes the natural bell curve of possible outcomes, but it does not create an overall edge. Over the long run, blind money management with no trading strategy like this one will lose.