School isnt neccesary

Don’t forget the ego stroke.

Come bother us when your real account hits 1M+

For me, if I leave a trade open, it ties up the pair. If I have a short open and try to go long it closes out the short first. I guess if you leave a bad trade open long enought the market “may” turn and you can get out with a profit. However, it might take a long time…

… Tom

Tom, your broker does not offer hedging… that is why your short needs to close before you could go long on the same pair.

regarding leaving a bad trade open indefinitely… do not entertain that idea. you might get into real big trouble if you apply that.

I have to say, some aren’t that bad. But maybe a little more work. I am a huge trance/progressive fan. Accelerate and Insigna are probably one of the more decent songs. Keep up the good work.

Good luck on your contract!

Your sound reminds me of the background music I hear while my boys are playing their games…like World of Warcraft and the likes.

Here’s my son’s website…he got to release a new song from a new game that hasn’t been released yet… Exclusive Otherland Music Track: Eight Squared - Fantasy Theme! - Otherland NetFeed scroll down a little and click in the video type box that says Otherland Net Feed - “Eight Squared” Fantasy theme…it’s nice :slight_smile:

Sweet Pip, I like how you call it “sound”. LOL

Haha, you guys get free CDs no doubt. Lol and musician traders? I would love to meet one!

As far as how much for the system? Depending on how it does with 100k and I see some real results, not $10 a week then I will let you know.

You mean for selling the system? I highly think I will ever sell it. It’s too complex for a novice. It’s easy to follow but there are many rules now. It’s getting beyond me and I’m not a complete novice.

As far as giving out free CDs I will pay for them myself if I have too. I would love to be heard. Insignia is one of my favorites, my newest track that’s not done yet (prior to signing, once i sign it’s brand new start) shows how much I have improved with mixing. Little did I know when you mesh two different melodies together correctly, you get a brand new third melody. It’s really neat.

And you are too (ad a word here) for being taken seriously.

I think getting as much forex education as possible can definitely help. Sure, knowing a lot about such things as price action and indicators is not the holy grail, but it certainly cannot hurt. It can only help. The more you know, the more careful you become and make better informed decisions as a trader. When I started out, I jumped right in and traded based mostly on my gut instincts without much forex education, and now I can see how foolish I was then. So I’d say that being educated definitely makes you a better and more disciplined trader with a higher probability of success.

I checked it out. Very nice. What software is he using? Is he signed as well?

Is your son actually playing all the instruments on that song… if so… that’s awesome.

More than likely he is using a DAW (protools, ableton, logic studio, fl studio or cubass) with a midi keyboard. Unless he programs in each note like I currently do. I’m going to take a guess ableton or fl

Yeah seems more likely but you never know! I wasn’t sure if it was just his sons site hosting the comp/song…

True that, we will never know less he posts again xD

No he’s not…it’s my son’s website yes, but not his song. He just got the right to release the song before the game has been released. Seems these gaming companies like this kind of music to go with their games, and yours has that same kind of sound. Sorry to confuse :slight_smile:

Not a damn thing, the weird part lies in the definition - most accounting schools drum this into you, never get into risky ventures and if you still want to, use someone’s money and not your own…

It’s fine… it looks like i’ll have to elsewhere to get my lifes soundtrack written :33:

Thank you sweetpip. I will being going to Sae Atlanta this year. Hopefully they can hook me up with with some contacts after I improve a lot. I have miles and miles to go yet I only move forward an inch at a time