School isnt neccesary

I swear this has to be the craziest thread I’ve ever seen here.

The guy is claiming six hundred successful trades in 90 days…10 pips profit on each trade. How has the account not doubled like…5 times? The position size must be so small as to be meaningless.

It doesn’t make sense to me. My own thoughts are that one should find a system with positive expectancy then account for what the max losing streak might be. From there, tune position size up as high as possible so that one can survive the 10-year event. From there, suck up the smaller draw downs and take the big money off the table when it comes. In stages.

Hopefully you’ll withdraw 90% of your $1M account and put it in some mutual fund with a solid track record right before you tear off on the big losing streak.

I know that they say that everyone has a different risk tolerance…but if you’re taking essentially zero risk, you can’t really expect to see real gains, right?

17%a year that good you won’t get that to many other places. I’d like to have this strategy to offset some losses. Right now I have a buy and hold strategy in the stock market that has so far offset my forex losses and then some.

Yes the gains are small but 17% is a good return. Any decent trader would be happy with 17% and very minimum draw down. And me getting banned? Lol. Forex is s secondary passion to me. Music Is my primary passion. Why not have your money work for you rather than a mutual fund? If you can trade successfully I don’t see what the problem is.

Are you on a live account? What is your band called?

Yes I am on a live account. After reading through the posts on here, we are going to modify the system to be less grid with stop losses. As far as my band goes, I essentially am the band lol. I make electronic music/dance music, as well as some pop and hip hop beats, not to mention a few chill songs as well. You can find me on soundcloud. Leg0nd | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Listen to dark. I know the drums aren’t that great, nor is the mixing. Not to mention it’s unmastered… In my defense, I produce completely original music without any samples and am completely self taught with fl studio 10. I haven’t begun professionally recording with high end software and professional guidance yet. But, by the end of the month I will be working on my first professional album with lyrics and will be going on tour after the albums release in march. I will be flying out to london this week to sign my contract. Wish me luck! I’m still a complete noob and do not think highly of myself thus why I am extremely grateful and amazed someone noticed me. Expect nothing short of professional from me once I sign. Keep in touch for free CDs and stuff.

Seems like you need to be educated in both disciplines. Lol

Edit: Also to address the original intent of the thread, it is in my experience that education does help. I’m in second year financial engineering, which has an emphasis on mathematics (I’m practically a math major), statistics, finance and computer science (Python, C/C#/C++, JavaScript). You have no idea how much it’s helped me in my trading.

I agree completely. I have miles to go musically and trading. I’m not afraid to call myself a noob. I am pretty happy with the results I can achieve with crappy headphones/speakers and $300 software though. Without any professional guidance cuz I know YouTube doesn’t count, you can’t say i am completely terrible at it. Or so I hope not. Otherwise you are entitled to your opinion. There are always going to be supporters and haters no matter what you do. I take compliments with a grain of salt and I try real hard not to let destructive criticism get to me.

You should give Ableton a go, it’s a much more professional feel and some really nice features. Love how everything is laid out between session and arrangement mode. Good for live performances as well. I took two courses at my local studio, one on production and one on mixing, it was a great experience. Something to consider… that is, of course, if you’re not against school.

I have played around with Ableton. It’s nice, just like most DAW’s I prefer to use non factory sounds.

I’m not against school, but assuming I get this label, shouldn’t they help teach me? And with all the hours I will be putting time in at the studio, what time will I have for school especially in a foreign country lol.

You again???

This is my forum my dude. If you don’t like my posts then don’t post in here. He simply asked a question so I answered it. I’m not offending you.

Sorry but if you are easily offended trading is not for you and until there is someone spreading wreckless trading ideas i am going to be a pain in the butt.

Haha. You like to stir up trouble I can see. I love trading. I’m pretty positive I am fit for it. Did you watch the debate?

I haven’t fully explained my system, so don’t get your panties all up in a wad. There is a lot I haven’t explained. Judging the system by the little pieces of information i shared on this forum wouldn’t be accurate. The system, now as it stands, isn’t a complete grid trading strategy either. Despite what some believe, market analysis plays a huge role when it comes to actually entering these orders/positions. We are considering making it multidirectional with stop-losses triggered by orders in the opposite direction so that I no longer have potential trades lasting years. This new idea is still in infancy and I haven’t figured out the math yet. However I have the many people of this forum to thank for the generous input that has been shared. It will be used to further upgrade the system and improve it’s core foundation.

Oooooooooook… whatever.

It’s not my system to share. Sorry. I just posted tidbits of facts to see what kinda comments I would get. As expected 99% are haters

Even though I still didn’t share too much information to give out the system, I learned some valuable information that could help save me from putting myself in a bad situation no matter how much of the market I can cover.

Ok, how much you are asking for your system.

A. he simply wants to open a thread
B. he wants to mingle with musician-traders
C. he wants to announce contract signing and offer of free CDs and stuff :wink:

not for sale. his music will be :wink: