School of Pipsology app?

Hey all,

Does the school of pipsology have an ipad app? I am currently on my iPad using the baby pips app however I haven’t come across the school of pipsology on this app. Any idea where I can find it besides going to the website? I like to do my reading when I’m offline and think having the lessons on here would be a great benefit Hint hint! Perhaps if baby pips doesn’t have the school included in its app then maybe some of you here could point to good (free!) forex education apps for newbs like me! :slight_smile:

A BabyPips School app would be awesome!

If you go to the end icon at the bottom of the app & click that ‘more’ icon & then select “extras”, it’ll load up the BabyPips website through the app & not through Safari & you can navigate to & go through the school on that. I’ve been doing it this way on my iPhone & iPad. Even when you’re in the middle of a ‘lesson’ you can jump back to the forum & when you go back to the “extras”, it will load up your place again (not if you close the app though, you’d have to navigate back to the school if you did that). Give it a try.

Just re-read your post & realised that you’re talking about learning off-line - sorry my friend, that I can not help you with but I hope the above is useful in some way.

This was super helpful, I’m so happy to access it through the app. Since I work from home I am rarely offline and will have no problems accessing the school. The offline bit is for the rare days I do leave my house :stuck_out_tongue:

Does accessing the school this way allow you to save and keep track of your progress?

Nice to know that,i didn’t realize that we can learn about it on ipad.unfortunately,i can’t afford to it.i’ll try to find out other ways to learn it.Thanks for the information.

You’ll be signed in to the app to use the Forum so when you go to the school, all your progress is still there - just remember to mark your lessons as complete.

I don’t really watch much tv so when my wife has her rubbish programmes on, I’m on my phone or iPad either on the BabyPips forum, reading up in the school or frittering my time away on Facebook.

I still agree that a specific School of Pipsology app would be superb - I know that BabyPips is free but I would happily pay for such an app (it’s easily worth the mon£y).

Would love that!

not sure what you guys are talking about here. a babypips school app, is there one available now? if so, how is it different from the regular website? i have never really gone thru that school, so i am clueless.

No there isn’t an app for that what I want I like the mobile forum app more than the actual site because it loads faster. It would just be a bit easier to have an app to navigate that’s native to the iPhone. I’d even pay $0.99 lol

do you have to pay? they should offer it for free! aren’t all apps free? :smiley: