School of Pipsology before demo?

Hi all,
My question is probably basic but, should I go right through to graduation in the School of Pipsology BEFORE I open a demo account?

If you can keep interest in demo account continuously, then have it. Otherwise it is more appropriate to graduate from school of psychology. On the other hand, you can continue both of. It would be better.

Trade first of all in a demo account, then emphasis on others issue. But please don’t take demo as like a casino.

I think I am in the minority in my view, but I 100% think you should finish the School of Pipsology first, and then dive into several OTHER resources and work your way through those, before you start trading. Even demo trading.

You are at that dangerous place in your career where you don’t know what you don’t know. You have a LOT to learn. Odds are if you dive into a demo account at this stage of your trader development, all you will do is blow up your account and get frustrated. At the very least learn proper money management before you start demo trading.


i was alreading doing hotforex demo when i first did pipsology, i think the best option is doing it both so there would be reference like doing an actual trading for starters. but keep the amount low and adjust the leverage to the desired number.

Yes, definitely.

You should do that and more before you open a demo account.

I hope you’re in the minority, because the majority in forums is usually wrong - and you’re certainly right. :slight_smile:

Yes - at the very least. You’ll need a book or two, probably, to do that. But do it before you open a demo account.

Simple question. Simple answer: yes you should. BEFORE.

Actually you should do more than just that before you open a demo account.

I agree with the others. First finish the school, then perhaps reads some books, check free videos, webinars and once you start demo trading, go through the school again so you could understand better your practice. For me this would be the most fast and effective way for learning how to trade.

If you can go through all learning process with successfully, then you can kick off a micro account instead of demo.

where can you get a micro account? I haven’t seen those with the major brokers. How much is micro?

Hi JaseArt. You should at least go through the basics of Forex trading before opening a demo account. As you progress in School of pips, you can then open a demo account and start testing and applying what you are learning. You should for now first get to know whats a lot, pip etc. Practically applying what you are learning really wil help to give you a better understanding of the content. Have fun…!

i’m agreeing with the people replying above who say that it’s better to learn the basics of theory before trying to make practice on demo account

The psychology of trading is a very important skill, without it it’s very hard to become a good trader, so first of all maybe you should learn the basics of this science and then get a demo.