School of Pipsology

A message to all beginners!

If you are serious about learning to trade and want to be successful trading don’t bother learning from the School of Pipsology here!

The School of Pipsology is a complete waste of time. Sure, it had lots of information in the lessons but at the end of the day it doesn’t teach you how to be successful trading because none of the authors of the course ever had any professional institutional trading experience where they successfully traded for large financial institutions making large amounts of profits.

If you want to succeed find someone else who has had success themselves to teach you.

And be aware of the many sharks out there pretending to be successful but in the end they are just wolves in sheep’s clothing. Do your research on who is teaching you and all their claims about their experience and success. Also do research on what you will learn.

You may find enough free resources or you may find a professional trading course carefully packed for a reasonable price. Either way, don’t bother wasting your time here on the School of Pipsology.

Firstly, I think you misunderstood BP team intention. The course shows general information about trading, an user task is adapt that information to own situation.
Secondly, if institutional trader tells you, do this and this, will you do it? On the internet you can find free information about how to be profitable provided by billionaires like Paul Tudor Jones or Toby Crabel and what? Did you use that information?


What’s considered a reasonable price and could you name any? :open_mouth:

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The School of Pipsology is designed primarily for absolute beginners, those who are starting from scratch. It aims not to teach you how to trade, but rather to provide some basic information about trading. It doesn’t instruct on how to apply or execute these principles. I assume you’re one of those marketing guys!

  • How many institutional traders have you ever met?
  • How likely do you think that members of this community, from all over the world, cross paths with institutional traders willing to interact with them?
  • How many institutional traders have you met that are willing to teach absolute beginners the basics of trading, for nothing or close to nothing?
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I think this is definitely great advice. It will save you so much time. But can you afford it? Time is money.

I disagree with your opinion, and I hope it doesn’t discourage any newcomer from using this forum as an excellent and free information resource. Your content adds zero value to any forum member.


I knew my opinions would be controversial on this forum but so far no one has given any good opposing arguments.

Firstly ProfessorPips never disputed anything I said but just thinks I have misunderstood what the intention of the BP team is. And asks me if I would do what a trusted Institutional Trader tells me to do. Answer, I wouldn’t blindly follow anyone. I would still do my own research. But after all the Institutional Trader is the one with the runs on the board already and I’m the one wanting to learn their ways, so yes, I need to follow their instructions. Then ProfessorPips closed off claiming you can find free information about Paul Tudor Jones or Toby Crabel on the Internet. And I agree this is true but as far as a beginner trying to search through the Internet and sort good information from garage information regarding these people it would be very challenging.

Next ponponwei just asks my view of what is affordable and can I suggest any courses taught by Institutional Trader’s. My response, unfortunately this is extremely difficult to answer because what is affordable for me may be way too expensive for someone else and then a third person may be willing to pay even more than I’m willing to pay for a course.

Then Emi.s states that the information in the school aims not to teach you how to trade. So in other words the school is a waste of time!

dudebro then agrees with me but only questions if it would be affordable. And personally I believe there are affordable options available.

And closing off Mondeoman just shares he has a difference of opinion to me.

Adding to these people who don’t have any good arguments, as a forum member here for quite a long time I have seen uncountable numbers of beginners so confused about where to begin. So if the content on this website truly was valuable to a beginner why on earth do we constantly see beginner after beginner asking where to start?

3 last courses are about how to build strategies, money management and so on

why beginner asking where to start?

  1. people are lazy
  2. I highly doubt that everyone finish this whole course because of point 1
  3. people don’t use “search” option because of point 1
  4. people want to be rich without effort because of point 1

A message to all beginners!

Babypips School of Pipsology is free! I recommend you complete it before you pay for any course.

The School of Pipsology might help you figure out if you’re cut out to be a trader and if forex trading is right for you.

Purchasing a course with the hope that you will be a successful trader who makes large amounts of profits is impractical and unrealistic.

It might even be a complete waste of time and money if you later find out that you’re not cut out for trading and it isn’t right for you after all.

If you’re a beginner who can’t even complete a free course made for beginners, you probably won’t be able to complete any paid course that promises to make you a successful trader.

Keep in mind the mission of Babypips: They’re not here to make you a successful trader who will make large amounts of profits. They’re here to introduce you to the world of trading.

"Babypips helps new traders learn about the forex and crypto markets without falling asleep.

We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey."


Well, well, well. I do not think it is a waste of time at all. I think that you find it to be because you believe in handouts. You sound like someone who did not even go through the course because if you did, you should be, by now, in a position to understand its intention. These guys never claimed to teach anyone how to trade.They simply show what you need when trading. After completing the course, you still do not know how to trade, but know what you need to trade. Its now your responsibility to build your own personal arsenal

So your aim was to start an argument rather than a discussion. That alone questions the validity of your opinion.

If you have been here long enough, as you claim, you must be aware of an incident when a well known, seasoned (or should I say highly respected) institutional trader once extracted a diagram from this “useless” School of Pipsology" and posted it on his social media page. One member of this forum spotted it and even and made remarks about it right here. So, this begs a question…“What was this high profile institutional trader doing in a platform that beginners like you regard as a waste of time?” Ok, maybe he had time to kill, but what made him extract a diagram and post it if it was that useless (as you claim)

They keep on asking such questions simply because they ran to the forum before going through Education section of the Babypips website. I cant blame them because I also grew up with people who would skip a class but would be interested in knowing about the lessons of that particular class. Therefore whoever does not know that they skipped the class would think the teachers are useless.

So in conclusion, the School of Pipsology is not a complete waste of time. The only complete waste of time is one’s approach to Babypips as a whole. If you approach it in a haphazard manner, you will still ask where to begin even after spending 10 years here.


I have been dipping in and out of various trading methods and markets since 2012 and I usually learn something new every day. I see the warning on trading websites that over 75% of traders lose money, the very first aim is to beat that ! The message that comes through various chat sites is that the majority of intending traders think initially that it is a good way of becoming a Millionaire before Christmas.
I trade the DAX40 lndex market with a £1,000 pot. On my current campaign I am 22% in profit in 30 trading days, and very happy with that return, (the Bank Manager said that he couldn’t match that, surprised?). I trade on the basis that when prices drop, they will go up again, and vice versa. Look at a chart with 1 day time frame then each time frame down to 1 minute. You will be able to see how prices move and how they move within a particular range.
The Index markets move fairly slowly and I use a 1 minute chart, and take profit above £1.00. I keep each trade to 1/200 of current funds and with multiple trades, keep an eye on the MARGIN figure and ensure it doesn’t drop below 200%. ( You will invoke the wrath of the dreaded GODS of MARGIN CALL).
One offshoot of trading is the building of spreadsheets, they are invaluable; I build my own.

Hey there, I get it. Everyone has their own take on where to learn trading. If you’re after real-world, professional experience, you might want to look beyond the School of Pipsology.

I have counted one dissenter (you) and nine supporters of BabyPips forum (including me). I interpret that as 90% happy customers and 10%dissatisfied customer. I wonder if this ratio applies to many other free forums?

It’s great to have different opinions. The forum is free to join and free to participate. Long may it remain that way.