Searching for knowleadge


I’m new to the forum, with hopes of learning a bunch about forex,

I’m really unexperienced in the market, and came here once I heard of babypips and all the education it has.

My first experience was with IML, an was awfull, It was just a great way to blow accounts and learn little about the market. So now I’m commited to learn before getting back to live trading.

Best Regards to all of the users.

Welcome! You’ve come with the right mentality. Knowledge is the first step of many.

You can start here. Its free. It includes the babypips course and other material to make an start on your trading journey. Study hard, be patient, get involved and read the threads and I wish you the best of luck.

Hello NandoBorges! The school here is a great place to start. Practice demo trading as you go along the lessons. Its gonna be a long journey. Be patient and good luck!

Helloooo @NandoBorges. :smiley: Welcome to BP! :blush: It’s actually the first time I’ve heard of IML, but I’m glad that you didn’t let that completely discourage you from giving forex another go. :slight_smile: It might be best to refresh your knowledge on the basics while demo trading so you could also get a chance to develop a strategy that works for you. :smiley:


I’m doing the course right now, slow and from top to bottom.

And even if I had a previous experience, I fell I have a lot to lean and to understand.


It is my objective, I’ve got to learn all I can, and with this Quarentine going I can’t give any excuses!