A reminder of what is important to most human beings.
I follow Mike Maloney and his specialism in gold and silver. He has authored what I consider to be the most important series of videos on money and currency that I have ever read and watched. I have followed his teachings since 2004.
In this short video, he comments, amongst other things, on the plea bargain that Julian Assange made with the US government. Until I watched Mike’s video, the real cost of freedom was not apparent to me. This is pertinent leading up to the 4th of July, and the link provided by Mike to the piece on the founding fathers is timely, given the turmoil the world is going through right now.
I am totally aligned with Mike’s philosophy and am concerned about the association of leaders with sociopathy, that seems to grow ever more obvious as I age.
I think it’d be cool to have a barbecue with a guy who can’t stop talking about economics.
That definition of sociopathy sounds like every single politician. However, would you say that such a personality is a response to public acceptance?
How can you expect to gain popular support if you don’t tell them what they want to hear? Winning elections is often a popularity contest. And you win by saying with the public perceives as favourable.
Trump, I think, is the only exception. Mostly because he doesn’t need funding from donors. But I don’t wanna digress into a conversation about Trump.
But the public don’t know anything about economics, trade relations, or foreign policy. They think they do, but they don’t. They’re emotional. And politicians understand that. Politicians simply adapt to whatever pleases the public.
So perhaps blame the public for creating political sociopaths. Politics is a game and only sociopaths are drawn to it.
BTW, when he said the person cringed at the word propserity, I automatically knew that person was a socialist. haha
Sorry. Your post was mostly about Assange, but I don’t really know much about him. Sounds like he fell victim to some kind of extension of extradition while in Ecuador. It’s unfortunate he was detained and fled for exposing crimes.
However, he exposed a side that didn’t want to be exposed. And in the end, I must ask, did it make any difference?
He exposed unlawful killing of citizens with video evidence, purportedly sanctioned by the US government apparatus. Did you hear of Edward Snowden or Chelsea Manning? The difference with Assange is that he was not a US citizen. It is said that the price of peace is eternal vigilance. Democracy has diminished noticeably during my lifetime, and I am happy I am in my sixties instead of in my twenties. I don’t like what I see coming to our future generations in terms of freedoms.
Edward Snowden had to seek asylum in Russia for his own safety in 2013…
Chelsea Manning was in a US Jail (2010-2017) for 7 years (11 months of Solitary Confinement)
US Citizen or not… Makes no difference to the US Secret Services if they want you silenced…