Self-control and trading

Trading is an exercise in self-Control.
How much do you believe?

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I think any endeavor is an exercise in self-control/discipline.


100 percent


I agree. most of people think trading is just about learning different technical and fundamental analysis, knowing how EAs work or things like that, but they don’t think about the psychological aspect of trading. things like self-control, emotional- management.


Agreed. Self-control is what prevents you from trading emotionally or from engaging in revenge trading.

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That’s just the beginning…


I believe it to a high extent because a trader who can’t control himself can’t survive in forex for a very long time.


Luckily I’ve never had much trouble with self-discipline, but what trading has taught me is to be ruthless in self-examination and self-criticism. No trade is perfect so every trade can teach a lesson.

Actually I really appreciate the challenges sometimes thrown my way in babypips posts. Constructive criticism can only help. I rarely use a strategy unless I posted it here, just to check I’m not getting carried away.


Yeah because when you win or loss this eludes emotions like greed or fear which force you you drift away from your trading plan and make unplanned trades which often end up in mistake.


Absolutely, right.

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Discipline and self-control are the driving forces behind turning dreams become reality.

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Definitely. :open_mouth: And it’s one that I’m still struggling with even after all these years. :sweat_smile:


Self-control is highly essential for a trader because a self-controlled person can keep himself free from greed and emotion.

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The ability to manage emotions, adhere to a trading plan, and exercise discipline are important factors in achieving consistent and profitable results


Self-control is a skill that can be improved and developed through trading. There are many situations in trading where you need to have good self-control by doing a lot it can become a habit.

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Self-control is highly essential for traders because a person who can control himself can curb his greed and emotion.


I would say self-Control is a “must do” in Trading! :joy:

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Its importance to success in trading or growing an account may seem over-exaggerated until one’s account is in dire need of salvation then the person becomes a believer.

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As a beginner trader, I can confirm that It is very important :grinning: I had a humbling experience recently and hopefully, I will not do the same mistake again.


Right. Self-control is a valuable trait for traders.

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