Self introduction by diddlez

Hello everyone, my name is Ibrahim Diddlez and I am new to the forex community. I actually gain every knowledge about forex from baby pips, and am not tired of getting more, I appreciate everything baby pips! Am proud to be a graduate from the school of pipsology.
I have always been interested in finance and trading, and I am excited to learn more and potentially start my own trading journey with everyone in the forum, see me as your younger brother and help me whiles I cross this long bridge. I am looking forward to interacting with all of you and learning from your experiences in the forex market.

most welcome in this community , have a very good journey on there . feel free to ask any question you need to know .

hi and welcome top this educational forum.

psychology of school + trading in a demo account = the best solution for the traders who are beginners.

sounds really good that you willing to learn , this is most educated forum we have in online , i hope you will enjoy this environment.

Thanks Sir

Thank you, I appreciate

Welcome to the community, Ibrahim. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Thanks dear, I appreciate