Self Introduction

Hello Everyone,

I’m Chris, I’m from Singapore, very new to Forex trading and any kind of securities trading in general. I’m currently focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible on the subject and so far BabyPips is an excellent source of information. Very light hearted in the teaching style, easy to understand plus some quizzes… awesome! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’ll probably post a bunch of questions in the beginner section to ask questions and clarify things. Hope ya’ll don’t get bored answering them :grin::grin::grin:

That’s it… hope you guys have a great week ahead… :+1::+1:

Welcome to bp! Glad you’re now on the fx bus. Looking forward to reading more from you!

You use the same amount of emojis as one of the regulars here, @ria_rose!

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Thanks for the welcome…

Must get those emoji-badge from BP… :rofl::rofl:

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Hello and welcome to the forum!

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Ooh didn’t know they had an emoji badge!

Welcome to babypips @WhiteRanger!

What’s an emoji badge?

Greetings Chris and welcome to the community! The School of Pipsology and the community provides everything we need to get started on our forex journey. Good luck and hope to see more of you here in the forums! :slight_smile:

I already feel like we’re gonna get along @purtle. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. We’re both very expressive. Lol.

Anyway, welcome welcome to BP @WhiteRanger!!! :slight_smile: Yeah go ahead and ask questions. :slight_smile: People are super nice and helpful here. They’ve helped me grow and I hope the community could do that for you too!

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